Welcome to the CBIIT Speaker Series Wiki

The NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) Speaker Series presents talks from innovators in the research and informatics community. The biweekly presentations allow thought leaders to share their work and discuss trends across a diverse set of domains and interests. The goals of the Speaker Series are: to share leading edge research; to inform the community of new tools, trends, and ideas; to inspire innovation; and to provide a forum from which new collaborations can begin.

Speakers represent many different institutions, and the topics they address are wide-ranging. Click to view a list of all past speakers, and view their presentations on our NCI CBIIT Speaker Series YouTube playlist!

Location: 9609 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850

Speaker Series Guidelines for Speakers: Download Word document

Questions or suggestions? If you have questions or would like to recommend a speaker, please email Eve Shalley at eve.shalley@nih.gov

Please refer to the Speaker Calendar below for upcoming speakers.


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An invitation: If you are interested in presenting your work to our diverse audience of informaticists; basic, translational, and clinical researchers; software developers; and others interested in exploring the uses of informatics in cancer research, contact Eve Shalley at eve.shalley@nih.gov or 240-276-5194.

Upcoming Speakers:

October 26: Guoqin Yu, NCI

November 9: Michael Liebman, IQP Analytics, LLC

December 7: Samir Courdy, University of Utah and Joyce Niland, City of Hope

February 1: John Schnase, NASA

Complete List of Update Posts

Speaker Calendar