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You must have a caGrid account to publish an AIM template to the ATS.

Registration is required for users who do not already have an account with a caGrid identity provider such as Dorian or the NCI Authentication Service. When you register, you create an account with the caGrid identity provider you are using, which is usually Dorian.

If you already have an account with a caGrid identity provider such as Dorian or the NCI Authentication Service, you do not need to register. You can just log in with the account information you use for that identity provider.

  1. Go to and click Register.
    A window appears with fields for your contact information.
  2. Enter information for each field. All fields except Street 2 are required. Note the following requirements for the user name and password:
    • The user name must be between 4 and 15 characters.
    • A valid password must be between 4 and 15 characters, CANNOT contain a dictionary word, and MUST contain at least one upper case letter, at least one lower case letter, at least one number, and at least one symbol (~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]|:;<>,.?).
  3. Click Register.
    A message appears stating that your account is approved and that your current account status is active.
    If your registration is not successful, a message explains the problem. Reasons for unsuccessful registration include duplicate user name, invalid user name, invalid password, and invalid email. Correct the problem and click Register again.
  4. Go to ATS at and log in using your new caGrid user name and password.
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