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If you are a model mapping expert, you can create a model mapping instance:

  1. Log in as described in "caDSR II  Database System Account Setup" ( The home page appears. 
  2. Select Manage > Manage DataModel Mapping Maintenance. The corresponding page appears. 

    You can click Icon to add page to Favorites. to add pages like this to your favorites, as described in "Favorites QR" (

  3. Select Insert > Insert.

    Insert option on Insert menu in Model Mapping Maintenance.

    A dialog box appears.

    Dialog box to create a model mapping.

  4. From the Item Type list, select Model Mapping. The Model Mappings page appears.

  5. Enter the following information:
    • Model Mapping Name: Make this name meaningful to the model owner and model curator. 
    • Owned By: Specify a valid context name. 
    • Registration Status: The default is Incomplete. 
    • Workflow Status: The default is Draft New. 
    • Definition
    • Source Model
    • Target Model
  6. Click Save.

At this point, you can perform either of the following tasks:

  • No labels


  1. Anonymous

    Ben Warzel revision comment:

    Save visual space with hyperlinks! :) 

  2. Hi Ver Hoef, Wendy (NIH/NCI) [C]

    I revised this page in response to your HOW-TOs. I intend to merge the rest of your HOW-TOs into this wiki space, as soon as I can. 


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