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The I-SPY collection is a demonstration project in which some images relating to the I-SPY breast cancer trial were collected and stored.  More information about I-SPY can be found on the I-SPY Translational Research page and there has also been a web application setup relating to this study called the I-SPY Post Analysis Portal.

Data Access

This is currently a limited access collection within NBIA and is not open to the general public.  Please contact CBIIT Application Support with any questions or requests for access:

Toll-Free: 888.478.4423
Local: 301.451.4384

Collection Statistics




Number of Patients


Number of Studies


Number of Series


Number of Images


If you have been granted access to this data set you can view and download these images on NBIA. You will first need to log in in the right side menu bar and then follow these steps:

  • Navigate to
  • Click the "Search Images" link in the center of the page
  • Scroll down through the search criteria until you see the "Collections" section
  • Select the "I-SPY" check box
  • Press "Submit"

This will return the full list of cases included in the collection. To download the associated DICOM images:

  • Press the "Check All" button and then "Add to Basket"
  • Press the "View My Basket" button at the bottom of the page (or "View Contents" in the left menu bar)
  • Press the "Download Manager" button to open a Java applet and specify where you'd like to save your images
  • No labels