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The system displays accrual records according to your organization affiliation within CTRP and whether your organization is the Lead Organization or a Participating Site on any given trial.

Complete Trials Category:

User Access to Accruals by TrialAffiliated Organization RoleSubmissions View
Access to trial for own siteParticipating SiteSubmissions for own site only
Access to accruals for your site or any organization affiliation member sites within CTRPParticipating SiteSite submissions and accruals submitted by organization family member sites
Access to trial for own site and other sites that are not members of the organization family of user's affiliated organizationParticipating SiteSubmissions for own site only
Access to a given trialLead OrganizationAll accrual submissions for the trial by any and all participating sites

Abbreviated Trials Category:

User Access to Accruals by TrialAffiliated Organization RoleSubmissions View
Access to trial for own siteParticipating SiteSubmissions for that trial only
Access to accruals for your site or any organization affiliation member sites within CTRPParticipating SiteSite submissions and accruals submitted by organization family member sites
Access to trial for own site and other sites that are not members of the organization family of user's affiliated organizationParticipating SiteSubmissions for that trial only

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