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This section provides instructions for downloading a report that includes all trials and all accrual reported by the center for those trials. This report can be filtered by Complete trials, Abbreviated trials, or both. For Complete trials, the report includes accrual counts reported by the lead organization’s cancer center. For Abbreviated trials, the report includes accrual counts from participating sites from the cancer center.  

The Accrual Count report includes accrual information for your affiliated organization or participating site only. You must have Accrual access to use this feature.

How to Download Accrual Account Reports

  1. Select the study/studies you want to work with by following instructions in Searching for and Selecting Your Trials.

  2. Click Export to launch a pop-up modal.
  3. Select Excel format to download the report as an Excel spreadsheet. Select CSV format to download a comma-separated-value text file.
  4. Select Export data from visible columns to download the report based on the Show/Hide selection(s). Select Export data from all columns to disregard the Show/Hide selection.
  5. Click Start Export to download report.

Above the Start Export button in the pop-up modal, you will see an Auto Download toggle.

  • If Auto Download is set to "Yes", the file will export immediately in your browser's downloads.
    • This is recommended for smaller data sets.
  • If Auto Download is set to "No", the file will export in the background. Once export is complete, the file can be downloaded from the View Exported Files icon.
    • This is recommended for larger data sets.

You can download exported files here prior to them expiring. A file will expire 12 hours after export is initiated.

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