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The procedure for searching for diseases while adding or entering study subject records is the same as that for searching for them using the Disease Search menu. The difference is that in addition to searching for diseases, you can select them for association with the study subject record.

How to Search for and Select Diseases

  1. Select the trial you want to work with by following instructions in Searching for and Selecting Your Trials, and clicking the corresponding NCI Trial Identifier link.
  2. On the Study Subject page, click Add Study Subject.
    The Add Study Subject panel appears on the right-hand side of the page.

  3. To assign a disease to the study subject, click the spyglass icon in the Study Subject Disease field.
    The Search Diseases pop-up modal appears.

  4. In the Disease Name field, type part or all of the disease/condition or site being studied, or, in the Disease Code field, enter part or all of the disease or site code.

    Search tips

    Type as many letters of the disease/condition or site name as possible to reduce the number of search results. The system adds wildcards on both sides of the search string (the series of letters you type) for you implicitly. You can type wildcard symbols (%) between characters of the string as necessary.

    The following table lists codes for disease not specified, healthy volunteer, and donors:

    Disease not specifiedZ100080000001V1007001/1
    Healthy volunteerZ76.380000000V997002/0
    Unknown Primary Site(NA)(NA)(NA)C80.9

  5. From the Disease Code System drop-down list, select one of the following:

    • SDC (CTEP's Simplified Disease Classification)
    • ICD-9 (International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision)

    • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision)

    • ICD-O-3 (International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 3rd Edition)

    • Legacy Codes - CTEP

    If the trial has at least one existing study subject record, the Study Subject Disease Terminology will display the code system selected at the trial level.  You can change the code system when creating or editing an individual study subject record by selecting the drop down in this field. This allows subjects in the same study to have different code systems.

  6. Press Enter, or click Search.
    The system searches for the disease/condition in the database, and returns a list of results.

  7. Navigate to the disease/condition being studied, and click Select. Refer to Working with Accrual Tables and Search Results. The system populates the Study Subject Disease field for you.

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