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The CTRP system maintains records of all prior accrual submissions on a trial-by-trial basis. Additionally, the system records the method that was used to submit the information to the CTRP. Those methods include the Accrual user interface (UI), single submissions and batch uploads, and the Accrual service.

The Accruals Historical Submissions Page allows you to do the following:

  • List all of your organization's previous accrual submissions
  • Limit the list of trials displayed to a particular submission date or a range of dates
  • Access the accrual records (trial counts and subject details) for a given trial, allowing you to modify existing data and add new accrual records
  • Download accrual batch upload TXT files previously submitted
  • Download accrual batch upload Zip files

Only the user who submitted the batch file can download the Zip files.

This page tree describes how to perform these tasks:

  • No labels