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If your user account has the group administrator or system administrator role, you can add a group. When you add a group, the system associates that group with your DOC. Any administrator who belongs to that DOC can update the group membership (add users to it and remove users from it).

  1. Log in as described in Logging In via the GUI. The Dashboard appears.
  2. Click Admin tab > Group. The Manage Group page appears.

    The Manage Groups page.

  3. Click Create Group, visible on the right or left side of the page. The Create Group page appears. 

    The page for group creation.
  4. In the Group Name field, specify a unique, meaningful name for the group. Omit any empty spaces. The dash character (-) and underscore character (_) are allowed. 

    Once created, the group name is permanent.

  5. (Optional) Add users to the group (either now or later). 

    1. Click Search. The Assign Users page appears. 

    2. Search for users as described in Finding a User via the GUI. Search results appear. 

    3. In the search results, locate the user you want to add to the group. For instructions on sorting, filtering, and navigating the search results page, refer to Using Group or User Search Results in the GUI.

    4. In the first column, click the row for the user you want to add. A check mark appears in that column for that row. To select all rows in the search results, click the column header for the selection column. 

    5. Click Assign. The previous page reappears, listing the selected users in the Users field, with values separated by a semicolon (;). 

    6. Click Add. The selected users appear in a list with check boxes. 

      Excerpt from Manage Groups page.

  6. Click Create. The system creates the group. The Manage Group page reappears with a message indicating successful creation of the group.
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