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NCI Wiki will undergo scheduled maintenance on Monday, February 24, 2025 between 5:00 PM ET and 6:00 PM ET.
Users may experience occasional interruptions of 1-5 minutes during this period.
Ensure all work is saved before the maintenance period.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact the CBIIT Atlassian Management Team.

If your user account has the Read permission level on a collection or data file in DME, you can browse for that data. To browse for data:

  1. Log in as described in Logging In via the GUI. The Dashboard appears.
  2. Click the  Browse  tab. The Browse page appears, displaying content based on access given to you by your group administrator.  

    The Browse page.

    To adjust panel widths, drag the border between them left or right.

  3. You have the following options:
    • If you know some attributes for the collection of interest, you can search for it. For instructions, refer to Searching for Data via the GUI.
    • If you have previously created a bookmark to access the collection or data file of interest (as described in Creating a Bookmark via the GUI), you can use that bookmark. For instructions, refer to Using a Bookmark via the GUI.
    • If your group administrator has given you a path to the collection of interest, perform the following steps: 
      1. Click the browse to path icon (The browse to path icon.), visible on the left side the page. The Browse dialog box appears. 

        The Browse dialog box.

      2. Click the Path field. A list of the base paths you can access appears. Select or type a path. Click Browse. The Browse page displays the collection of interest, including a detail panel for the selected collection. 

      A portion of the Browse page with an expanded path to a collection.

      The detail panel indicates the number of entries (subcollections and data files combined) in the selected collection (not in any subcollections) as A/B where: 
      • A is the number of displayed entries.
      • B is the total number of entries.

      If the selected collection contains more than 1,000 subcollections, the Browse page displays only the first 1,000.

  4. To load the next 1,000 subcollections, right-click the selected collection and select Load More Entries
  5. To download data from the detail panel, in the row for the item you want to download, click the download icon (The download icon.). For more details, refer to Downloading Data via the GUI
  6. To get the latest information from the database about a collection: Right-click the collection and select Refresh Node

To return to the base path, click the browse to home icon (The browse to home icon.), visible on the left side the page. 

From the Browse page, you can take various actions. For instructions, refer to the following pages:

  • No labels