If your user account has the Read permission level on a collection, the following command allows you to download a data file (up to 10 GB) in that collection to your local system:
If you intend to download a TAR, ZIP, or TGZ file, decide whether you want the command to extract files from that archive file. To do so, in your local system, create a JSON file that specifies the type of archive file and specifies include patterns. An example follows:
{ "synchronousDownloadFilter": { "compressedArchiveType": "TAR", "includePatterns": ["**/*file*"] } }
Keep in mind the following points:
- For the compressedArchiveType parameter, specify TAR, ZIP, or TGZ.
- The 10 GB limit applies to the total size of the TAR, ZIP, or TGZ file, including all of the extracted files.
For the includePatterns parameter, refer to the following examples:
Description Example One file ["Downloads/file-1.dmg"]Two files ["Downloads/file-1.dmg", "Downloads/folder/file-2.txt"]All files that have "file" in their name, anywhere in the folder structure ["**/*file*"]For details, refer to Specifying Include Criteria.
Run the following command:
dm_download_dataobject [optional parameters] <source-path> <destination-file>The following table describes each parameter:
Parameter Description [-h] If you want to print a usage (help) message for this command, specify this option. [-D <REST-response>] An optional parameter, specifying a path and filename in your local system. The system always creates a response file:
- If you specify this parameter, the system saves the response from the server to the specified file in the specified location.
- If you do not specify this parameter, the system saves the file as download-dataobject-response-header.tmp in your home directory.
[-f JSON file] An optional parameter, specifying the JSON file that specifies the type of archive file and specifies include patterns. <source-path> A path within DME. Specify the data file that you want to download. <destination-file> A path in your local system. Specify where you want the system to create the downloaded file. The destination folder structure you specify must already exist.
The following example downloads a sample.txt file from the Project_Orig collection in DME to a JaneDoe folder.