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Document Information

Author:  Craig Stancl, Scott Bauer, Cory Endle
Team:  LexEVS
Contract:   16X237
Client:  NCI CBIIT
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services

Contents of this Page

The purpose of this document is to document the technical face to face meeting prioritization details between the NCI and Mayo.

2016 December Face-to-Face Meeting Prioritization List


Future Priority

(1-high, 3-low, 5 out of scope)

1API/RESTIdentify current JAVA API usage by caDSR  

Identify Moonshot Clinical Trial API services to be supported by REST services.

Includes CTRP , Biomarkers, Diagnosis, Drugs

Identify ways to promote REST services.


Identify possibilities of participating in

2Triple store

Investigate where Triple Store usage may augment LexEVS. 

Will impact the API/REST and micro services.

Considerations for Value Set services via the triple store.

Alternative relationship trees.

Biomarker related support.

This is priority for EVS team (1).


Identify additional mapping requirements from the EVS Project group.

ICD and SNOMED map - load and verify.

Investigate the use of the expert system solution to support specialized search capabilities for complex chemical and genetic names. 


Investigate the usage of NGrams in Lucene to support specialized search.

1MappingInvestigate the MRMAP load and determine why that work wasn't completed.ICD 9, 10, SNOMED

Investigate ability to use Lucene Facets and identify where it could be used. 

Types of Coding Schemes - value set groups.

Investigate ability to design a usable auto complete and where it could be used.

1Value Set

Investigate ability to be able to determine if Resolved VS coding scheme has changed.  

2Value Set

Investigate ability to be able to determine if Value Set Definition has changed. 

1Value Set

Investigate ability to update as needed (not have to load all 700 at the same time). Decraese time it takes to publish/deploy.

impacted by knowing if coding scheme changed.
dupValue Set

Investigate ability to capture value set groupings in lucene index (using Lucene Facets and the NCIT).

2Value Set

Investigate ability to capture "Hierarchal Value Sets" as coding schemes with hierarchy. (inside value set)

requires loader changes
1Tech Stack

Plan to migrate to MySQL 5.6.33 as soon as possible.

MariaDB should be in our backlog.
1Tech Stack

Plan to migrate to CentOS7 (work with Jacob).

As convenient.
1Dev Ops

Plan configuration of DEV CI instance (work with Jacob).

As convenient.
1Dev Ops

Plan to further investigate Docker configuration. 

As convenient.
1Value Set

Implement fix for Value Set Loader to not load value set with no content.  

3AdminIdentify modifications to be made to lb gui functionality. 
2AdminIdentify modifications to be made to command line functionality. 

Investigate services architecture to support new and additional functionality. (Micro Architecture)

2LoaderRemoval of OWL2 related loader functionality (drop functionality).role quantifiers
3LoaderEnhancement of the error logging.existing JIRA item



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