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Author:  Craig Stancl, Scott Bauer, Cory Endle
Team:  LexEVS
Contract:  16X237
Client:  NCI CBIIT
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services

Contents of this Page

The purpose of this document is to capture proposed agenda topics for the 2018 technical face to face meeting with NCI EVS Teams.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

2:00 PM - 3:00 PMRoom 5W032Gilberto, Rob, Tracy, Kim, Jason, Scott, Cory, CraigLexEVSModelChanges.pptx


  • Document requirements to represent complex OWL 2 classes

  • Document requirements for an API to query, resolving or reasoning

  • Document the users

  • Propose model and API enhancements.



Discussion Points: 

  • This discussion is a follow-on to the addition of property qualifiers feature we added to LexEVS.

  • Proposed changes will require substantial changes. No changes to the queries.
  • JSON-LD was noted - it represents triples in JSON.
  • It is unsure how much OWL needs to be presented in LexEVS.
  • Consider removal of anonymous nodes.
  • Complex Classes need to be addressed somehow - LexEVS or not.
  • LexEVS should not continue extending field sizes to accommodate these complex classes.
  • Suggested that the EVS API should not define a model specific to OWL.
  • Current CTS2 service doesn't provide this type of search.
  • There is an existing issue for OBIB that would be addressed by proposed representation.
  • Maps, value sets, MetaT representation, are in LexEVS that cannot be represented easily in triple store.
  • Micro services should be considered for providing services to provide OWL content (micro service using the triple store)
    • LexEVS API model would need to be updated to support this.

Decision Points:

  • Complex Classes need to be addressed somehow - LexEVS or not.
  • Micro services should be considered for providing services to provide OWL content (micro service using the triple store)

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation LexEVSModelChanges.pptx Oct 04, 2018 by bauerhs

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