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Discussion items


Java 17
  • Migration to Java 17
    • Terms browser jenkins/Tomcat working
      • Issues with cart forwarding to http address
      • Excel export failing - possible POI conflict
        • What is the use case? Can we drop it
        • Large value sets are the issue and csv works.
        • Have pointer to FTP site?
        • examine use of this feature
    • CTS2 build/Jenkins working.
      • Tomcat has longstanding issues - hope to get VM tracker to debug - see below
  • Will work on services one at a time on Dev and QA
    • Will send to new Stage and Prod
    • Will cutover when all finished
  • Some of the value set files seem to want to live on local machine - compiledVSDefinitions?
      • Do code review to determine where dependencies lie - create Jira item

Some conflict between teams doing hardware and software migrations.  Meeting this week.

Tomcat 9 is a priority, might need to sever from Java 17.

Security report

Security ticket - reported vulnerability disclosure issue and "hyperlinks".  We don't have access to the ticket or the security reports. 

Possibly could be the - needs header and footer.

  • Chasing ehcache temp bean jar creation
    • Normal behavior, but all files should be deleted when application shuts down/restarted
    • Claims files cant be used or processed - loading files fails. 
    • Kicks off at same time as commonValueSetsUtils. Does a hash of all value sets
    • ehcache updated as part of Spring 5 update
    • Heap Dump file might be useful during startup to see what is being loaded onto stack
      • onchange() no longer hooked up for managing process, since no longer loading during serving
      • Could be adding a lot of pressure on environment to build it all during startup
      • Could new OS be handling the stacks differently?
      • Corretto - outside chance this is an issue, but we think it not likely
  • Requested Virtual VM - doesn't come automatially with Corretto
  • Need to manage users to use x-forwarding
  • Meeting with Cuong this week
  • Examine what has changed in ehcache with Spring 5

Production NCI Terms
  • Still multiple issues on Prod
    • Scott creating Jira issues as items identified
  • L3cache issues?  Possibly filling up and not allowing processing by cores
    • Dev has larger cache and more CPUs
  • Possible security solution - throttle IPs that are overworking CPU
    • L5 load balancer

They have initiated tracking on this server. F5 Analytics has been enabled, will monitor to see what kind of data is produced.

  • Results hopefully this week

System migration
  • Prod completed testing
  • Stage 2 - can we ask for top access to this?
  • DataQA after Prod
    • database on machine - migrate first?
    • Test performance of old loaders vs new database.
    • Other apps follow DB - determine if needs to be co-located
    • Does script need to be updated?
  • List of EVS URLs
  • Check with systems - See if we can test prod2 data deployment
  • Start process for migrating DataQA to new server - Tracy

SumoLogic to DataDog
  • All running - some processing being tweaked
    • EVS_Explore and EVS_RestAPI not reporting all fields
    • Download site not yet reporting all sub directories

Tier changes
Dev and QA not sync'd for 6 months. Will look at updating this month after monthlies

DataQA old JVM

Brandon Devarra scanned DataQA and found it on Oracle Java 8.  Has it drifted from Prod?

-- 189356 (1) - OpenJDK 8 <= 8u392 / 11.0.0 <= 11.0.21 / 17.0.0 <= 17.0.9 / 21.0.0 <= 21.0.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities (2024-01-16

Path : /usr/local/jdk1.8/

Installed version : 8.0.391

Fixed version : Upgrade to a version greater than 8u392

Full DataQA needs to be migrated to new environment.  

  • $PATH on devvm points to Oracle jdk.  Should be Corretto
  • Chao to check with Mark tomorrow then look at creating ticket

Processing server
  • Check on JVM

Protege servers

Dev and QA not Corretto

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
  • Have systems check upper tiers

Action items
