- ArangoDb 3.5.x
- Maven 3.3.x
- Tomcat 8.5
- Git 1.9.x
- Java 1.8
Build Instructions
Clone the Graph Node Resolver project using:
Change to the graph-resolve directory:
Change to the appropriate version:
Install ArangoDb for your OS.
Load Sample Data from LexEVS (Requires an install of LexEVS along with the loaded test data from owl file owl2-special-cases-Defined-Annotated)
Loading the Graph Database into ArangoDb for a Given Terminology
Find the src.main/resources folder in the graph-resolve root folder and edit the to match you Arangodb install.
server.error.whitelabel.enabled=false hostName=localhost:8080 address= port=8529 protocol=HTTP_JSON usr=root pwd=lexgrid
Where hostName, address, port, usr, and pwd are all locally determined variables for Arangodb.
You will have to pass this password to the container via something like in the /bin or /libexec/bin folder of the Tomcat root install directory since it does not seem to read it here.
Build the application with Maven:
You may choose not to install the sample data or other terminologies and append -DskipTests to build without testing
If the build is successful, the resulting war file will be in the target directory.
Deploy to the Tomcat container and start Tomcat
A suitable smoke test when there is content loaded to Arangodb is:
https://<my graph resolver uri>/databases
which should return something like the following:
{ dataBases: [ "NCI_Thesaurus", "NDFRT", "UMLS_SemNet", "owl2lexevs" ] }