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Project Roadmap

LexEVS 16X237 Technical Project Plan

Sprint Status

16X237 Agile Development - Sprint Status

Agile Support Process


LexEVS ongoing support will be handled in the following way:
  • 8 hours a week will be allocated for the development team to work on LexEVS support.
  • This will include things such as phone or email issues as well as any assigned defects during the sprint.
  • Initial investigation will be done to triage the issue.  
  • If more time is needed, the requester should create a JIRA issue with the following identifiers:
    • Fix version: 6.5
    • Type: Bug
  • NCI should groom the backlog and determine when the issue should be addressed.  Ideally, not until the next sprint.
  • If this is a high priority issue, NCI will need to indicate this to the development team and we can start to work on it right away with the understanding that it will affect the work that gets done in the current sprint

FishEye and JIRA and Git

When a fix is checked into Git, if the JIRA issue is mentioned in the checkin comments, the Git issue will be linked to the JIRA issue under the "Development” section of the JIRA issue.
Also, after you commit your changes in Git, you add the link to your Git commit to JIRA so it is easily accessible.
  • Example Git Checkin:
    • LEXEVSCTS2-29 - updated call to search method to default to retrieve only active entities. Updated version of LexEVS to 6.3.0.RC2 and updated the version of CTS2 Framework to 1.1.2.
  • JIRA comment should reference the Git Commit (link) - Example JIRA Comment:


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