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Author: Craig Stancl
Team: LexEVS
Contract: CBITT BOA Subcontract# 29XS223
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services

Revision History



Description of Changes




Initial Version Approved via Design Review


Implementation requirements will include the technical environment (HW,OS, Middleware), external dependencies, teams/locations performing development and procedures for development (e.g. lifecycle model,CM), and a detailed schedule.

Technical environment

No new environment requirements exist for the the LexEVS 6.0, with the exception of load balancing servers.

Software (Technology Stack)

Operating System

  • Linux (though no operating system dependencies currently exist)

Application Server

  • JBoss 4.0.5

Database Server

  • MySQL 5.0.45

Other Software Components

  • caGrid 1.3 / Globus 4.0.3

Server Hardware


  • NCI standard hardware.

Minimum Processor Speed

  • Minimum required by JBoss.

Minimum Memory

  • Minimum required by JBoss.


Expected file server disk storage (in MB)

  • 200GB

Expected database storage (in MB)

  • 100GB


Application specific port assignments

  • Standard port required by JBoss to externalize LexEVS grid service. May be assigned any suitably available port #.

JBoss Container Considerations

There are specific requirements for JBoss containers for LexEVS 5.1.

In order to support multiple versions of LexEVS (for example 5.1 and 6.0), there are JBoss considerations.

  • Grid services can NOT be in the same JBoss container because of naming - they both need to be named /wsrf in the container. This results in the use of 1 JBoss container for LexEVS 5.1 and 1 JBoss container for LexEVS 6.0.

External dependencies


Team/Location performing development

  • Traci St. Martin / Mayo Clinic
  • Craig Stancl / Mayo Clinic
  • Scott Bauer / Mayo Clinic
  • Kevin Peterson / Mayo Clinic
  • Sridhar Dwarkanath / Mayo Clinic
  • Michael Turk / Mayo Clinic

Procedures for Development

Development will follow procedures as defined by NCI.

Detailed schedule

The LexEVS 6.0 project plan is located in the LexEVS docs Gforge archive (6.0 Management).

Training and documentation requirements

Documentation for LexEVS 6.0 is located at LexEVS 6.x Documentation  .

Download center changes

Downloads for LexEVS 6.0 are located at LexEVS 6.0

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