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This document describes the process to build and deploy LexEVS and all of its components.

Create PTEs

PTEs describe the build/deploy process for the NCI systems team to build/deploy our LexEVS artifacts.

Create a directory with the name of the release for the LexEVS PTE documents similar to this one:

Create ARC Documents

Update LexEVS ARC Documents - Update the tags that will be used in Git.

Building LexEVS Code

Once the code is tested and ready for a FINAL tag, update the build versions in the property files/pom.xml files

  • LexEVS
    • Admin GUI Installer

      • Run the GUI installer for LEXEVS and verify the text and the version is up to date
    • Update /lbPackager/ to the FINAL release
    • Check in to git
    • Tag as 6.5.0.FINAL
    • Build the project
    • Deploy LexEVS artifacts in lbPackager/dist to the NCI sFTP site (
    • Javadoc should be placed on the wiki for LexEVS.  The Javadoc is generated during the build and is located:
      • lexevs/lbPackager/antbuild/doc/javadoc/
  • lexevs-remote 
    • Copy the built lexbig.jar and lexbig-test-6.5.0.FINAL-tests.jar to lexevs-remote/LexEVSService/system/lib/
    • Update class path to point to lexbig-test-6.5.0.FINAL-tests.jar
    • Update project version in LexEVSService/conf/
    • Check in to git
    • Build the project
    • Tag as 6.5.0.FINAL
    • Deploy artifacts to the NCI sFTP site (
    • Javadoc should be placed on the wiki for LexEVS-remote.  The Javadoc is generated during the build and is located:
      • lexevs-remote/LexEVSService/build/output/lexevsapi65/build
  • lexevs-service (CTS2) 
    • Update pom to pull lexevs  6.5.0.FINAL
    • Update lexevs-version in pom to 1.6.0.FINAL
    • Check in and tag as 1.6.0.FINAL
    • Build the project
    • Deploy artifacts to the NCI sFTP site (
  • lexevs-system-test

Jenkins build script

Create a new Lexevs-system-test configuration for the new LexEVS branch.  This will run tests on the new branch.

Update Wiki Documentation for the new LexEVS Release

Update the Release Notes for the LexEVS release.

Update the release identifiers page.  This page maps LexEVS components to the JIRA project, git branch and tag as well as Maven releases.

Create release documents for the new LexEVS version.

Update GIT NCI Channel

Once LexEVS is released, we need to request someone at NCI create a pull request to pull the FINAL tags/branches of our code for each LexEVS component to the NCIP repository.

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