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Wright, Larry NIH/NCI  x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI     

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
Lucas, Jason R
Bauer, Scott  Mayox
Stancl, Craig
Endle,  CoryMayox
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCIx
Pan, JJ
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C] x
Ahmed, Shamim
NIH/NC [C]  
Haber, Margaret (NIH/NCI) 
Roth, Laura (NIH/NLM)  
Ramani, Vivek (NIH/NCI) [C]  
Carlsen, Brian (NIH/NCI) [C] 
Wong, Joanne   

Kuntipuram, Kumar



Action Items

 #AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus
64ScottTo follow up on URI's on OWL2 with Harold.   on hold

Scott to work with Gilberto to determine what is needed for OWL 2 requirements


on hold

164CoryCory to add implementation to CTS2 implementations page.2014.04.30  on hold
170ScottUpdate the ARC dates to include range of dates for each tier.2014.05.14  on hold
185GilbertoCreate Jira for OWL 2 Annotation issue in the API.2014.05.28  open
197ScottDo a gap analysis on what the URI_Resolver logs and what NCI would like to know from these logs2014.6.18  on hold
200Larry/SherryQuery current LexEVS users about use of SOAP, REST or QBE services in the legacy caCORE api's2014.6.18  open
204LarryPlan for August NLM Demo/Meeting. (now Sept)2014.07.09  done
205ScottSee if URI's are case sensitive as handled by the URI resolvers2014.07.16  done
206ScottDetermine if CTS2 supports a distinction between transitive derived relationships and structural graphs2014.07.23  


207CoryWrite issue against CTS2 OMG regarding the ability to return INACTIVE concepts only.2014.07.30  open
208CraigNLM Technical team discussion - report back at next meeting. 2014.07.30  open
209Craig/LarryPlan Techical F2F/AMIA meetings.2014.07.30  


210Larry/GilbertoDetermine if there is a need to meet with the CTRP2014.07.30  open
211Gilberto/ScottDocument Jira 597 and create additional Jira (597 - transitive closure and new one for graphs)2014.07.30  open
212LarryInclude LexGrid XML Export as part of the 5.1 retirement notice. 2014.07.30  open


Immediate Priorities and Problems (Mayo Team)

Scott:  Loader testing against, MetaBrowser Update, PTE, 598

  • Scott spent some time looking at the tree builders - not updated in LexEVS and in Java, etc.   Scott updated so that we can easily run junits and have been migrated to GitHub LexEVS channel.   At some point will want to get them part of some anthill pro process.  
  • PTEs created for Jacob in order to do deployments on DEV/QA.   Once ready, Scott will be able to start deployments - possibly do deployments manually.   
  • Get entire tree 597#

Cory:  Working JIRA #'s 371, 599

  • Updating the services to be able to return active/all concepts.
  • Created a junit to be able to demonstrate this ability and found that restriction isn't being passed.  
  • Currently, in the CTS2 spec, there is abilty to query for Active and ALL, but not inactive only concepts. 
  • Log issue with OMG. (TODO)

Craig: Project Plan Updates, NLM Demo Meeting, September F2F, Contract update, Lucene

  • Plan updated to remove 2 JIRA items.
  • NLM Demo meeting scheduled for September
  • Working on Cost Estimate for recent 12 month (and follow on 12 months) extension.
  • Working to complete the Lucene Project Plan estimate
  • F2F planning - consider to have this during the AMIA meeting in November.  





caDSR and Value Set and other URIs (Weekly Status)

Scott determined that the URI resolver is case sensitive, but Kevin believes it is not.   So further evaluation is needed in the future.  

Dev DRT request

No timeline identified - but Jacob and team will continue to work on the 2 PTEs. 

Scott will need to wait for those PTEs to be completed.  

Discussion of JIRA #597

Email discussion during the past week.  

Include email excerpt here (TODO)

Need JIRA items to track both discussion points - 597 and a new item. 

Usecases could be captured on the wiki and then be able to link them to the JIRA items. 

CTRP would like to have a REST call to be used for their curation process.   Might be good to share CTS2 specification with this group for them to review.   Larry and Gilberto to determine best time to discuss with this team.

This activity would be captured during the 6.3 design and architecture phase.  

Agile discussion

Discuss in context of contract.

Still waiting on green light for the official policies. 

Mayo team possibly attending Mayo provided Agile training.  

Preferences File - Synonyms (Tracy/Scott)Need to have synonyms to be identified during the load.  Currently coming across as properties.    
LexGrid XML publishing (5.1)

LexEVS 6.X doesn't export (long export time).

There may be a closed JIRA item - Scott worked on this previously).  Need to find so we can see what was done.  

Include this in the announcement of 5.1 retirement.  

No need to maintain unless there is a need (based on feedback from the announcement).





JIRA Issues

LEXEVS-570 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-573 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-579 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-586 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-594 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-597 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-598 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-599 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-605 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-606 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-607 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-608 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-609 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-612 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-613 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-615 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-616 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-617 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-618 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-619 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-620 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-621 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-622 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-623 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVSCTS2-2 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVSCTS2-3 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Project Plan Changes

#DescriptionDue DateResourcesNotesRisksMitigation

 Planned Activities

Area of InterestDetails

Risks, Issues, Dependencies


Opened DateDue DateDescriptionLikelihood (H, M, L)ImpactAssignedStatusMitigation Strategy


 #Opened DateDescriptionImpactAssignedStatus


Opened DateDescriptionAssigned





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