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In vivo characterization allows you to add characterizations for the nanomaterial component of the sample that were derived from analytical techniques performed under in vivo conditions.

To add an in vivo characterization

  1. Access a sample and characterization, as described in Accessing the Sample Characterization Summary.
  2. Click the All tab or the In Vivo Characterizations tab and click Add next to In Vivo Characterization.
  3. Both tabs provide customizations based on your Characterization Type* selection.

  4. Follow these steps to fill in the characterization. 

    SectionWhat to Do
    In Vivo Characterization

    Fill in the general information about the characterization.

    When you are defining the characterization, to select an existing, non-standard Assay Type, select the Characterization Name, other_vv.

    For details, refer to Defining the Characterization

    Design and MethodsComplete the fields describing techniques and instruments used to derive the data. For details, refer to Defining Characterization Design and Methods.

    Add data findings and supporting documentation relating to the sample. Import as many UTF-8 .csv files as you wish or add derived data manually. For details, refer to Adding Data Findings to a Characterization.

    Click Add to expand the section, and add data findings and add supporting documents to the characterization. For details, refer to Adding Supporting Documents to a Characterization.

    Analysis and ConclusionEnter any relevant analyses and conclusions reached by the data.
    Copy to Other Samples with the Same Primary Organization

    Select samples in the list to which you want this physico-chemical data transferred. This option copies files and data to one or more selected samples "owned" by the same point of contact. For details, refer to Copying a Characterization to Samples in the Same Primary Organization.

    If you paste text into an input field, review it before submitting the text to the system. Make sure the formatting (such as superscript, subscript, bold, and Italics), Greek letters, and other special characters appear as expected. For details, refer to Correcting Special Text

  5. When you are finished, click Submit to save the data to the sample.

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