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When you are adding a characterization, fill in the following design, methods, and techniques used.

Design and Methods FieldDescription

Design and Methods Description

Enter a description for the characterization design and methods.

Adding extra lines

If you include an extra line between text in the Characterizations free text, Design and Methods Description, the line separation is preserved when you save or update the characterization.

Technique and Instrument

Click Add to expand the page where you can select and enter information regarding the technique and instrument used to derive the sample.


Select the technique (required).


When you select a technique, Abbreviation populates automatically if an abbreviation is known. If not, enter an abbreviation.

DescriptionEnter a description of the technique and instrument.

Click Add to expand the Instruments panel. Enter or select identifying information about the instrument used to obtain data.
  • Select the instrument Manufacturer.
  • Enter the instrument Model Name.
  • Enter the model Type.

When you are finished, click Save or Cancel to close the section without saving.

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