The Edit Protocol page enables you to edit protocol information and edit access to the protocol.
Updating data after it is Public
Once data is made Public, you can edit the data, but it will be retracted from Public, and you will need to resubmit it to the curator again for review.
- Find the protocol of interest, as described in Searching for Existing Protocols.
- In the search results, in the row for the protocol of interest, click Edit. The Edit Protocol page appears.
- Fill in the following information as needed.
To enter an alternative to an option, select other if available and enter a value. The value is added to the list of options.
Edit Protocol Description Protocol Type*
Enter or select from the drop-down list the protocol type (required).Protocol Name*
Enter or select from the drop-down list the protocol name (required).
Protocol Abbreviation
Enter a shortened phrase used in place of the protocol name.
Protocol Version
Enter or select from the drop-down list the protocol version number.
Enter File URLSelect Upload or Enter File URL.
- If you select Upload: Click Choose File. Browse and select the protocol file (up to 30 MB).
- If you select Enter File URL: Enter the URL where the protocol is located.
File Title The title of the protocol file. Description Enter any additional description information that the form does not include.
Access to the Protocol For more information, refer to Sharing a Protocol with a User or Group or Making a Protocol Public.
If you do not add access
If you do not add access, this item remains private and only you, the owner, can view and/or modify it.
If you paste text into an input field, review it before submitting the text to the system. Make sure the formatting (such as superscript, subscript, bold, and Italics), Greek letters, and other special characters appear as expected. For details, refer to Correcting Special Text.
Click Submit when you are done editing the Protocol.