This chapter describes how to review or ascribe characterizations to samples save in caNanoLab. Topics in this chapter include:
Sample Characterization Overview
Sample characterization describe distinctive characteristics or essential features of the sample determined through analytical methods and records information associated with sample properties. Samples can be characterized in caNanoLab by physical or chemical characteristics or by data derived under in vitro and in vivo conditions.
Accessing the Sample Characterization Summary
With read-only access, you can review a summary of characterization information and annotations added to the sample.
To access characterization functions in the Navigation Tree
- Click Samples and Search Existing Samples.
- Fill in criteria, and click Search.
- Click Edit in the search results.
The Navigation Tree appears on the left sidebar and comprises functions which you can use to add annotations to the sample.
NAVIGATION TREE GENERAL INFO COMPOSITION CHARACTERIZATION PUBLICATION SYNTHESIS - General Info appears after you click the sample name and displays the Update Sample page.
- Composition defines Nanomaterial Entity, Functionalizing Entity, and Chemical Associations.
- Characterization defines essential physical characteristics that identify the material and structural properties via the Protocol and Physico-Chemical, In Vivo, and In Vitro Characterization.
- Publication displays articles, books chapters, reviews and reports already added to a sample.
- Synthesis displays synthesis information for a sample.
Click Characterization.
The All tab displays characterizations already added to the sample by category. Additional tabs show annotations added to the sample for each subcategory.
Submitting Characterizations
Once you access Characterizations in the Navigation Tree, you can add different types of information to the sample.
- Adding a Physico-chemical Characterization
- Adding an In Vitro Characterization
- Adding an In Vivo Characterization
- Adding an Ex Vivo Characterization
- Adding an Other Ex Vivo
If you have read-only access, you can View a Characterizations Summary.
To enter an alternative to an option, select other if available and enter a value. The value is added to the list of options.
Exporting Sample Information to JSON or XML
To export sample information from the Navigation Tree
From the Navigation Tree, select General Info.
- The system prompts you to download the information and specify a download location.
Adding a Physico-Chemical Characterization
To add a physico-chemical characterization
- Access a sample and characterization.
Click the All tab or the Physico-Chemical Characterizations tab and click Add next to Physico-chemical Characterization.
Both tabs provide customizations based on your Characterization Type* selection.
Follow these steps to fill in the characterization. Links are provided for additional details.
Section What to Do Physico-Chemical Characterization Fill in the general information about the characterization.
Note: When you are defining the characterization, to select an existing, non-standard Assay Type, select the Characterization Name, other_pcProperties If you select one of the following characterization types, you need to fill in additional properties.
- Physical State
- Shape
- Solubility
- Surface
Design and Methods Complete the fields describing techniques and instruments used to derive the data. Finding Add data findings and supporting documentation relating to the sample. Import as many .csv files as you wish or add derived data manually.
Click Add to expand the section, and add data findings and add supporting documents to the characterization.
Analysis and Conclusion Enter any relevant analyses and conclusions reached by the data. Select samples in the list to which you want this physico-chemical data transferrred. This option copies files and data to one or more selected samples "owned" by the same point of contact.
When you are finished, click Submit to save the data to the sample.
Defining Physico-Chemical Characterization Properties
If you selected one of the Characterization Names listed in the following table, the Properties section opens, and you must fill in additional information.
Characterization Name | Properties to Complete |
Physical State | Select the Type of physical state. |
Shape |
Solubility |
Surface | Specify Yes or No to indicate whether the surface Is Hydrophobic?. |
Adding an In Vitro Characterization
In vitro characterization allows you to add characterizations for the nanomaterial component of the sample derived from analytical techniques performed under in vitro conditions.
To add an in vitro characterization
- Access a sample and characterization.
Click the All tab or the In Vitro Characterizations tab and click Add next to In Vitro Characterization.
Both tabs provide customizations based on your Characterization Type* selection.
Follow these steps to fill in the characterization. Links are provided for additional details.
Section What to Do In Vitro Characterization Fill in the general information about the characterization.
Note: When you are defining the characterization, to select an existing, non-standard Assay Type, select the Characterization Name, other_vt.Properties If you select one of the following characterization names, you need to fill in additional properties.
- Cytotoxicity
- Enzyme Induction
- Transfection
Design and Methods Complete the fields describing techniques and instruments used to derive the data. Finding Add data findings and supporting documentation relating to the sample. Import as many .csv files as you wish or add derived data manually.
Click Add to expand the section, and add data findings and add supporting documents to the characterization.
Analysis and Conclusion Enter any relevant analyses and conclusions reached by the data. Copy to Other Samples with the Same Primary Organization Select samples in the list to which you want this physico-chemical data transferred. This option copies files and data to one or more selected samples "owned" by the same point of contact.
When you are finished, click Submit to save the data to the sample.
Defining In Vitro Characterization Properties
If you selected one of the Characterization Names listed in the following table, the Properties section opens, and you must fill in additional information.
Characterization Name | Properties to Complete |
Cytotoxicity | Enter the appropriate Cell Line. |
Enzyme Induction | Enter the Enzyme Name of your choice. |
Targeting | Enter the appropriate Cell Line. |
Transfection | Enter the appropriate Cell Line. |
Adding an In Vivo Characterization
In vivo characterization allows you to add characterizations for the nanomaterial component of the sample that were derived from analytical techniques performed under in vivo conditions.
To add an in vivo characterization
- Access a sample and characterization.
Click the All tab or the In Vivo Characterizations tab and click Add next to In Vivo Characterization.
Both tabs provide customizations based on your Characterization Type* selection.
Follow these steps to fill in the characterization. Links are provided for additional details.
Section What to Do In Vivo Characterization Fill in the general information about the characterization.
Note: When you are defining the characterization, to select an existing, non-standard Assay Type, select the Characterization Name, other_vv.Design and Methods Complete the fields describing techniques and instruments used to derive the data. Finding Add data findings and supporting documentation relating to the sample. Import as many .csv files as you wish or add derived data manually.
Click Add to expand the section, and add data findings and add supporting documents to the characterization.
Analysis and Conclusion Enter any relevant analyses and conclusions reached by the data. Copy to Other Samples with the Same Primary Organization Select samples in the list to which you want this physico-chemical data transferred. This option copies files and data to one or more selected samples "owned" by the same point of contact.
When you are finished, click Submit to save the data to the sample.
Adding an Ex Vivo Characterization
To add an ex vivo characterization
- Access a sample and characterization.
Click the All tab or the Ex Vivo Characterizations tab and click Add next to Ex Vivo Characterization.
Both tabs provide customizations based on your Characterization Type* selection.
Follow these steps to fill in the characterization. Links are provided for additional details.
Section What to Do Ex Vivo Characterization Fill in the general information about the characterization.
Note: When you are defining the characterization, to select an existing, non-standard Assay Type, select the Characterization Name, other_ex_vvDesign and Methods Complete the fields describing techniques and instruments used to derive the data. Finding Add data findings and supporting documentation relating to the sample. Import as many .csv files as you wish or add derived data manually.
Click Add to expand the section, and add data findings and add supporting documents to the characterization.
Analysis and Conclusion Enter any relevant analyses and conclusions reached by the data. Copy to Other Samples with the Same Primary Organization Select samples in the list to which you want this physico-chemical data transferred. This option copies files and data to one or more selected samples "owned" by the same point of contact.
When you are finished, click Submit to save the data to the sample.
Adding an Other Ex Vivo Characterization
To add an other ex vivo characterization
- Access a sample and characterization.
Click the All tab or the Other Ex Vivo Characterizations tab and click Add next to Ex Vivo Characterization.
Both tabs provide customizations based on your Characterization Type* selection.
Follow these steps to fill in the characterization. Links are provided for additional details.
Section What to Do Other Ex Vivo Characterization Fill in the general information about the characterization. Design and Methods Complete the fields describing techniques and instruments used to derive the data. Finding Add data findings and supporting documentation relating to the sample. Import as many .csv files as you wish or add derived data manually.
Click Add to expand the section, and add data findings and add supporting documents to the characterization.
Analysis and Conclusion Enter any relevant analyses and conclusions reached by the data. Copy to Other Samples with the Same Primary Organization Select samples in the list to which you want this physico-chemical data transferred. This option copies files and data to one or more selected samples "owned" by the same point of contact.
When you are finished, click Submit to save the data to the sample.
Adding Information to a Characterization
The following procedures apply to any Characterization Type when you are adding or editing a characterization.
Defining the Characterization
When you are adding a characterization, fill in the following characterization information.
Complete | How to |
Characterization Type* | This is already filled in with Physico-Chemical , In Vivo, Ex Vivo, or Other Ex Vv (required) when you click the tab of the same name or add one from the All tab. |
Characterization Name* | Select the name of the characterization (required). Character Type Notes
To create a new, non-standard Assay Type
Assay Type | Select an assay type from the list that populates automatically based on the Characterization Name. To add an Assay Type
Protocol Name – Version | If available, select a protocol from which the data is derived. If displayed, click the hyperlink to the protocol text file to open or save the file. |
Characterization Source | Select or enter the source from which the characterization data is derived, such as a vendor or a laboratory (NCL). |
Characterization Date | Select or enter the date the characterization was made (dd/mm/yyyy). |
Defining Characterization Design and Methods
When you are adding a characterization, fill in the following design, methods, and techniques used.
Design and Methods Field | Description |
Design and Methods Description | Enter a description for the characterization design and methods. Adding extra lines If you include an extra line between text in the Characterizations free text, Design and Methods Description, the line separation is preserved when you save or update the characterization. |
Technique and Instrument | Click Add to expand the page where you can select and enter information regarding the technique and instrument used to derive the sample. |
Technique* | Select the technique (required). |
Abbreviation | When you select a technique, Abbreviation populates automatically if an abbreviation is known. If not, enter an abbreviation. |
Description | Enter a description of the technique and instrument. |
Instrument | Click Add to expand the Instruments panel. Enter or select identifying information about the instrument used to obtain data.
When you are finished, click Save or Cancel to close the section without saving.
Adding Data Findings to a Characterization
To add findings to a characterization, you can add data directly to Data and Conditions by creating columns and adding data manually or you can import as many .csv files as needed. Information can include laboratory conditions, pH, or temperature. You can add as many files as you wish.
- Add data values to Data and Conditions.
- To import a file of data values
- Save the spreadsheet of data values to a csv (comma-separated value) file.
- Click Import csv and select and follow the prompts to add the data file to the Findings Info.
- The columns and data are added to Data and Conditions.
- To add the data values manually
- Specify the number of columns and rows for the matrix, and click Update.
- Add the data values to the rows.
- Specify the number of columns and rows for the matrix, and click Update.
Whether you imported or added information manually, you can preface each data value with one of the following: Maintain the default, equal to (=), or select greater than (>), less than (<), or infinity (approximate).
- To import a file of data values
- To define a column, click an underlined column heading.
The Column Definition panel displays. - Select a Column Type, Datum or Condition.
Select a Column Name or select other and add a new one.
Column Notes
You can add up to three cell viability Column Names, including cell viability, cell viability B, and cell viability C. You can further identify the column with the Column Value Type.For Column Type, Datum, the following characterization(s) display customized Column Name options.
Characterization Type Column Type and Column Name Option(s) Physico-Chemical - Molecular – Molecular Weight
- Purity – % purity for sample
- Relaxivity – R1, R2, T1, T2
- Size – PD1, Peak N , RMS size, Z Average
- Surface – charge, zeta potential
In Vitro Enzyme Induction – % of Control
In Vivo Click Other to name the column yourself. For Column Type, Condition, all characterizations provide the Column Name options in the left column of the following table. The Column Name autopopulates the Condition Property options in the right column.
Column Type, Condition Autopopulates Column Name Column Name Autopopulates
Condition PropertyN/A
media type, serum percentage
bandwidth, frequency, time, wavelength
lyophilized, time
lyophilized, time
ion concentration, ionic strength, molecular formula, osmolality, serum percentage, with serum
number of pulses, pulse duration
To further identify a column, select a Column Value Type.
Once the column information is saved, the Column Type is shown in parentheses after the Column Name, such as cell viability (mean).- Select a Column Value Unit, or select other and add one.
If you want the same value to fill all rows in a column, add a Constant Value.
For Column Value Type, boolean
For Column Value Type, boolean, enter a Constant Value of 1 for true and 0 for false.Click Save, and the column(s) are updated.
If needed, click Set Column Order to change the order of the column headings in the matrix.
- Click Save in the Finding section.
Adding Supporting Documents to a Characterization
To add results in the form of supporting documents, such as a graphic, spreadsheet or images to a characterization
You can add as many files as you wish.
- In the Finding section of the characterization, next to Files, click Add.
- Upload, browse, and select the file or enter the file's URL where the document is located.
- Complete the following.
- Select the File Type (required), Document, Graph, Image, Movie, or Spreadsheet.
- Enter the File Title (required).
- Specify Keywords to associate with the file
- Enter a Description of additional information of the file.
Click Submit to add the file(s) to the sample.
Copying to Samples in the Same Primary Organization
The composition files and/or derived data for a sample can be copied to other samples from the same primary point of contact.
- From the All tab's characterizations summary, click Edit at the right of a characterization section.
- The Characterization opens and at the bottom of the page, in the Copy to other samples... section, select one or more samples with the same primary point of contact.
- Click Also copy finding data and conditions?.
Click Submit to copy the characterization.
Additional Characterization Tasks
The following table lists tasks that require Curator privileges.
Task | How to |
Printing Characterization(s) | To print the characterization(s), from the All tab characterization summary, click Print at the top right of the page. |
Exporting Characterization(s) to a Spreadsheet | To export the characterization(s) to a spreadsheet, from the All tab characterization summary, click Export at the top right of the page. To export all sample information to JSON or XML, see Exporting Sample Information to JSON or XML |
Editing a Characterization |
Deleting a Characterization | Deleting a characterization This deletes a characterization(s) from the selected sample. If the characterization(s) was copied to other samples, the characterization is not removed from those samples. To delete a characterization for a selected sample