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If a user is not a curator and wants a protocol, sample, or publication that they own to be publicly-accessible, the user must submit it to a data curator for review. A data curator reviews the item, and when satisfied, changes it to Public access.

To review the data pending release to the public

  1. Click Curation
  2. On Manage Curation, click Review Data Pending Release to Public. The Data Pending Review page displays the list of data to be reviewed.
    Data Pending Review
  3. Next to the item you want to review, click Edit. A detail page opens, where you can update the item.
  4. When you are done reviewing the submitted data, you can assign the data to be Public:
    1. Next to Access to the, click Add. The Access Information panel opens.
      Add Public Access
    2. In the access information panel, select Public.
      Add Access to the Public and Save
    3. Click Save
    The item is now publicly-accessible from the caNanoLab public home page.
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