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If you are not logged in or are browsing caNanoLab

If you are not logged into caNanoLab and perform a search or you are browsing caNanoLab from the public home page, only publicly-accessible items will be returned in the search results. This also applies to Performing a caNanoLab Keyword Search.

To search for existing saved publications

  1. Click Publications. The Manage Publications page appears.

  2. Click Search Existing Publication.

    Leaving all search criteria blank

    There are no required fields when you specify search criteria. If you leave all the fields blank, all items are returned.

  3. From Search Publications, fill in the following information as needed.

    Publication Search OptionsDescription

    Publication Type

    Select the type of publication from the drop-down list.

    Research Category

    Check (or review) the Research Category relevant to the publication.

    PubMed ID

    Enter the PubMed ID, if known.

    Once you enter the ID, the other appropriate data fields on this form, such as Title, Journal, Authors, etc., are automatically populated. You can enter keywords and description, however, to override the text from PubMed.

    If you remove the PubMed ID, the related data fields are cleared.

    Digital Object ID

    Enter the name of the digital object ID, if known.

    Publication Title

    Enter text for the title of a publication. Select Contains (for search using partial text) or Equals (for exact text search).


    Enter the last name of an author. For more authors, add one author's last name per line.


    Enter one or more logical terms that can be used to find the publication. Enter one term per line.

    Sample Name

    Enter text for the name of a sample. Select Contains (for search using partial text) or Equals (for exact text search).


    Nanomaterial Entity

    Select the nanoparticle category to which the sample targeted by the search belongs. Example: Dendrimer

    Functionalizing Entity


    Select the function type category which best fits the nanomaterial entity.
    If you select imaging function, you must specify an Imaging Modality Type.

  4. Click Search. The Publication Search Results page appears. For details, refer to Publication Search Results

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