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Access to My Favorites

If you are logged into caNanoLab, you can add samples, protocols, and publications to My Favorites and then manage those items from one page. (For instructions, refer to Bookmarking a Sample to My Favorites, Managing Protocols in caNanoLab, and Managing Publications in caNanoLab.) My Favorites is like bookmarking for easy access.

This chapter describes how to use My Favorites. Topics in this chapter include:

My Favorites

When you log in and click My Favorites, all of the samples, protocols, and publications that you bookmarked and added to My Favorites are listed on one page. You can view, edit, and remove these items from the My Favorites list. 

Removing from Favorites

If you click Delete from Favorites, you need to confirm the removal, and then the favorite is removed from the table. It is NOT removed from the database, only from the My Favorites list.

You can adjust what items are listed on My Workspace with the Samples, Protocols, or Publications boxes at the top of the page.

My Favorites Selection Boxes

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My Favorite Samples

You can review or edit a sample, or remove the sample from My Favorites.  

  1. Ensure that Samples is selected at the top of My Favorites and scroll down to My Samples.

  2. Find the sample you want to review or change. My Samples includes a column for the Sample Name and Nanomaterial Entity Description column which may or may not be complete. 

  3. Select an action as described in the following table.

    To...In the Actions column...
    Review a sample
    Click View and the Sample page opens. For details, refer to Managing Samples in caNanoLab
    Update a sample

    Click Edit and the Update Sample page opens. For details, refer to Updating a Sample

    Updating after approval

    If you need to update an item after it is released to the public, you must update and submit it for curator review again.

    Remove a sample from My Favorites

    Click Delete from Favorites and confirm the removal, and the sample is removed from My Favorites.

    Share a Sample with a user or user group

    Click Edit. For details, refer to Sharing a Sample with a User or Group

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My Favorite Protocols

You can review or edit a protocol, or remove the protocol from My Favorites.  

  1. Ensure that Protocols is selected at the top of My Favorites and scroll down to My Protocols.

  2. Find the protocol you want to review or change. My Protocols includes a column for the Protocol Name and Protocol File Title which may or may not be complete. 

  3. Select an action as described in the following table.

    To...In the Actions column...
    Update a protocol

    Click Edit and the Edit Protocol page opens. For details, refer to Editing a Protocol

    Updating after approval

    If you need to update an item after it is released to the public, you must update and submit it for curator review again.

    Remove a protocol from the caNanoLab database

    Click Delete from Favorites and confirm the removal, and the protocol is removed from My Favorites.

    Share a protocol with another user or user group

    Click Edit. For details, refer to Sharing a Protocol with a User or Group.

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My Favorite Publications

You can review or edit a publication, or remove the publication from My Favorites.  

  1. Ensure that Publication is selected at the top of My Favorites and scroll down to My Publications.

  2. Find the publication you want to review or change. 

  3. Select an action as described in the following table.

    To...In the Actions column...
    Update a publication

    Click Edit and the Edit Publication page opens. For details, refer to Editing a Publication

    Updating after approval

    If you need to update an item after it is released to the public, you must update and submit it for curator review again.

    Remove a publication from the caNanoLab database

    Click Delete from Favorites and confirm the removal, and the protocol is removed from My Favorites.

    Share a publication with a user or user group

    Click Edit. For details, refer to Sharing a Publication with a User or Group

    Access Publication ID

    If available, click the link to display information about the publication at the web site.

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