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Pre Interview:





Requirement # unique id <SemCon Ops Initiative>.<analysts initials><requirement number>
e.g. Init1dbw1
(eventually linked to Use Cases)


Originator/Customer's Name:

Bilal Elahi                                                                                   

Originator/Customer's Company:

Sapient Corporation

Stakeholder Community:
Enter appropriate category of stakeholder from Primary Stakeholders:  

  • Software and Application designers and architects
  • Software and Application engineers and developers
  • Scientific and medical researchers
  • Medical research protocol designers
  • Clinical and scientific research data and metadata managers
  • Clinicians
  • Patients
  • Medical research study participants
  • Broader Stakeholders: caBIG® Community WS NIH projects and related commercial COTS vendors (caEHR, SDO's (HL7, CDISC); International Collaborators (e.g NCRI, cancerGrid, China), Government and regulatory bodies (FDA, CDC, ONC)
    (link to view SemConOps Stakeholders description).

Software and Application designers and architects
Clinical and scientific research data and metadata managers

Summary of requirement pre-interview, by Reviewer:

caDSR tools should support downloading objects, (CDE, DEC, VD and PV) from accross the set of caDSR toolset or any one particular tool. The request is a top priority that will enable curators and users to select objects from a search list whether it be in CDE browser or Curation tool and be able to download it using the Object Cart.

The request for a customizable download will need to be supported by each tool and enhancements will need to be made to the UML Model Browser as no object cart functionality exists today for this tool. Similar enhancements will need to be made for the Content Curation Tool.

Detailed Use Cases for Customized Download can be found at the following link:

Recommended Next Step Enter one: Follow-up interview, Observe, Use Case Template (text), Use Case Model (formalized/UML diagram), Group Discussion, Prototype, Waiting Room

Use Case Model (formalized/UML diagram). The use cases for this requirement are already developed: They can be repurposed/revised for the new semantic infrastructure.

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