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Pre Interview:





Requirement # unique id <SemCon Ops Initiative>.<analysts initials><requirement number>
e.g. Init1dbw1
(eventually linked to Use Cases)


Originator/Customer's Name:

Denise Warzel : forum posting

Originator/Customer's Company:


Stakeholder Community:
Enter appropriate category of stakeholder from Primary Stakeholders:

  • Software and Application designers and architects
  • Software and Application engineers and developers
  • Scientific and medical researchers
  • Medical research protocol designers
  • Clinical and scientific research data and metadata managers
  • Clinicians
  • Patients
  • Medical research study participants
  • Broader Stakeholders: caBIG® Community WS NIH projects and related commercial COTS vendors (caEHR, SDO's (HL7, CDISC); International Collaborators (e.g NCRI, cancerGrid, China), Government and regulatory bodies (FDA, CDC, ONC)
    (link to view SemConOps Stakeholders description).
  • Software and Application engineers and developers
  • Clinical and scientific research data and metadata managers

Summary of requirement pre-interview, by Reviewer:

The creation of metadata is currently a manual iterative process that involves many discussions, emails, and decisions between the Metadata Modeler and Metadata Curator.  This process can occur in the timespan of days or weeks, and complex metadata can involve many modifications and loadings during that time.  It is highly desirable that there is a mechanism to track these discussions, decisions, and changes over time.  This will provide traceability, as well as a controlled way to review the history of changes for all artifacts involved in compatibility review.

  • Recommended Next Step Enter one: Follow-up interview, Observe, Use Case Template (text), Use Case Model (formalized/UML diagram), Group Discussion, Prototype, Waiting Room
  • Use Case Template
  • Review by Originator

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