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Pre Interview:





Requirement # unique id <SemCon Ops Initiative>.<analysts initials><requirement number>
e.g. Init1dbw1
(eventually linked to Use Cases)


Originator/Customer's Name:

Sal Mungal, Guide to Mentors

Originator/Customer's Company:

Duke University

Stakeholder Community:
Enter appropriate category of stakeholder from Primary Stakeholders:

  • Software and Application designers and architects
  • Software and Application engineers and developers
  • Scientific and medical researchers
  • Medical research protocol designers
  • Clinical and scientific research data and metadata managers
  • Clinicians
  • Patients
  • Medical research study participants
  • Broader Stakeholders: caBIG® Community WS NIH projects and related commercial COTS vendors (caEHR, SDO's (HL7, CDISC); International Collaborators (e.g NCRI, cancerGrid, China), Government and regulatory bodies (FDA, CDC, ONC)
    (link to view SemConOps Stakeholders description).

Software and Application designers and architects
Software and Application engineers and developers

Summary of requirement pre-interview, by Reviewer:

The cyclic references in models is not a good practice and is preventing uploading of the XSD representations of the models to caGrid XSD repository (GME). More information is available from attached presentation. A tool or model validation service that enforces the model policies/best practices (e.g. entity naming rules, prevention of cyclic references, association directionalities/naming etc.) for NCI-CBITT locale. This service can be utilized by model/knowledge repository loading tools, a tool like SIW and even code generators.

Recommended Next Step Enter one: Follow-up interview, Observe, Use Case Template (text), Use Case Model (formalized/UML diagram), Group Discussion, Prototype, Waiting Room

Use case development.

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