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Semantic Infrastructure Forms User Story 1:
Create and reuse forms

Domain Description

Forms provide a convenient paper-like electronic mechanism to capture data in a structured way. For example, when a patient is placed on a clinical trial, data about the patient's demographics and eligibility for the trial need to be captured. The trial investigator sits with the forms curator to generate this case report form. The forms curator searches for existing demographics forms and form modules, and the investigator reviews them. They identify an appropriate set of questions, and include them in the case report form. They then move onto the eligibility checklist. The investigator drafted the checklist, and it has been approved by the IRB. The forms curator begins keying in the questions, some of which are identified as existing questions and reused, others of which are created completely new. The form is marked complete and is available by the clinical research staff for gathering and enrolling new patients.

Technical Description

Forms are a collection of data elements annotated and grouped within the metadata repository. The forms curator can search for existing forms and form modules (portions of a form) by question text, annotations, etc. These can be reused by reference, or imported and modified. When new data elements are being curated, the form curator can search the federated set of all metadata repositories to identify data elements for reuse. This can happen automatically within the curation tooling or explicitly through the metadata web interface. The final CRF is saved and annotated within the local metadata repository.

Cross Reference - CDEs from Man. curation, UML models and CRFs

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