ࡱ>  |!bjbj 4DD#####(#(#(#8`##(#N%~.'D'D'D'(*t*<[N]N]N]N]N]N]N,Q4TN#*((**N|,##D'D'HN|,|,|,*#D'#D'[N|,*[N|,|,2E@H DM+WG.GNN0NG*U|,U\H|,H#I***NN|,***NU*********D !:    Monthly Technical Status Report LexEVS Operations and Maintenance Subcontract No. 12ST1106 August 2013 July 1 July 31,2012 Submitted by: Craig Stancl Date: August 10, 2013 Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u A. Technical Overview  PAGEREF _Toc221956162 \h 3 B. Issues Resolved Over the Covered Period  PAGEREF _Toc221956163 \h 3 C. New Issues Identified  PAGEREF _Toc221956164 \h 4 D. New Releases of the Software  PAGEREF _Toc221956165 \h 4 E. Presentations, Documentation Updates, Community Communication  PAGEREF _Toc221956166 \h 4 F. Outstanding Issues Being Actively Worked  PAGEREF _Toc221956167 \h 5 G. Critical Risks or External Dependencies  PAGEREF _Toc221956168 \h 5 H. Status of Deliverables/Milestones Overview  PAGEREF _Toc221956169 \h 6 I. Status of Deliverables  PAGEREF _Toc221956170 \h 6 J. Description of Work/Activities Planned for the next Month  PAGEREF _Toc221956171 \h 7 K. Additional Reporting  PAGEREF _Toc221956172 \h 7  Technical Overview Work was completed on a number of content loading functions not critical to deployment and content review of those loads started with some changes to the loads completed based on these reviews. Work began on deployment documentation and test deployments based on those documents. A number of issues around technical specifications surfaced and were either dealt with or put off until later. Please see the weekly meeting notes for details:  HYPERLINK "https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/display/LexEVS/LexEVS+6.0+Maintenance+2012+-+2013" https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/display/LexEVS/LexEVS+6.0+Maintenance+2012+-+2013 Issues Resolved Over the Covered Period ActivityDescription/CommentsPrepare REST DeploymentMeet With NIH Security team over REST interface requirementsSlide preparation for a presentation requiredDeploy New Loaders to Development ServerMedDRA, OWL2 and HL7 MIF Loader deployedAdd a new method to the SearchExtension to include an anonymous flag. Leave existing methods as-is.Create a patch that increases the temporary RRF table column sizes as appropriate.Develop a CTS2 Promotion StrategyReport risks/concerns in moving to Java 1.7 for LexEVS and the CTS2 REST Services.Fixed problems with load and activation parameters in the ResolvedValueSet load scriptReview maven requirements for AntHill ProDetailed in PTE Creation.Updated Struts jars as required by technical specificationsPost Review of MedDRA load prompted code updates to this loaderURI Resolver and CTS2 REST Interface completedMajor Support for a CTS2 compatible wrapper to LexEVS completed. New Issues Identified Activity/IssueDescription to corrective activity/issueResolved Value Set implementation required automatic acitivation updates to the GUI.Load of Latest MetaThesaurus failed due to content changes. LexEVS to be updated accordingly. New Releases of the Software ReleaseDescription of the Release Presentations, Documentation Updates, Community Communication ActivityDescription of the Activity Outstanding Issues Being Actively Worked Activity/IssueDescription/CommentsJIRA #554 HYPERLINK "https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-554" https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-554JIRA #553 HYPERLINK "https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-553" https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-553JIRA #552 HYPERLINK "https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-552" https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-552JIRA #549 HYPERLINK "https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-549" https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-549JIRA #548 HYPERLINK "https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-548" https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-548JIRA #547 HYPERLINK "https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-547" https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS-547 Critical Risks or External Dependencies Activity/IssueDescription to corrective activity/issue Status of Deliverables/Milestones Overview We have created a project wiki site out on Confluence Wiki at  HYPERLINK "https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/display/LexEVS/LexEVS+6.0+Maintenance+2012+-+2013" https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/display/LexEVS/LexEVS+6.0+Maintenance+2012+-+2013 . This table of contents breaks out into different areas to capture the weekly meeting notes, monthly technical status reports, an area for documentation and a brief summary. This site will evolve throughout the lifecycle of this project. Status of Deliverables Deliverable/MilestoneDelivery DateStatusProgram Management OngoingIn ProgressMaintenance of Software System OngoingIn ProgressProvide Technical ExpertiseOngoingIn ProgressProject Wiki11/09/2012CompleteMonthly Technical Reports: November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 11/09/2012 12/10/2012 01/10/2013 02/10/2013 3/10/2013 4/10/2013 6/10/2013 7/10/2013CompleteMonthly Financial Reports: November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 11/09/2012 12/10/2012 01/10/2013 02/10/2013 3/10/2013 4/10/2013 6/10/2013 7/10/2013Complete Description of Work/Activities Planned for the next Month ActivityDescriptionContinue work on identified JIRA Items that can be addressed prior to deployment this month.Please see items at  HYPERLINK "https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS" https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/LEXEVS GitHub Migration A meeting will be scheduled to finalize the migrationWrap up any Development TasksThe Mayo team will finish executing the new development tasks that will not effect moving the release moving up the tiers.Updated Project PlanBased on planning sessions the project plan will be updated.Evaluate moving LexEVS to Java 1.7Deploy LexEVS 6.1 to DevDependent on JUnits passing on the local CI server and resolution of any remaining issues with the REST service and URI resolution service deployments.Deploy LexEVS 6.1 to QADependent upon PTE documentation completion Additional Reporting The LexEVS team is wrapping up primary development tasks and proceeding to prepare for deployment to the development and Quality Assurance servers. As quality assurance and deployment tasks continue, fixes and updates to base code will continue as needed.      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