# Ruth's slide 1.0. Created using http://slideshow-s9.github.io/. Use your arrow keys to navigate this slideshow. ## slide 1.1 Sample text with *Italic* and **bold** formatting. Sample `inline code` formatting. Slide 1.0 had a Heading 1, but this slide has a Heading 2. ## slide 1.2 Sample link: [Slide Show (S9)](http://slideshow-s9.github.io/) Sample image: ![Image](https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/download/attachments/19791876/logo_ctrp_reg.gif?version=1&modificationDate=1333576229000&api=v2) # slide 2.0. Sample blockquote: > Blockquote Sample code block: ``` code block ``` ## slide 2.1 Sample unordered list: * Apples * Oranges * Bananas Sample ordered list 1. One 2. Two 3. Three ## slide 2.2 The end. Thank you.