---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions to deploy Revision API into LexBIG environment and run the test cases. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Make sure runtime/lbRuntime.jar matches with the lbRuntime.jar of the lexBIG instance on which Revision API is being run. 2) Run build.xml (default target) located in root directory - Source files get compiled and wrapped into lgRevision.jar. under "dist" folder - Source files get zipped into lgRevision-src.jar under "dist" folder. - Intermediate class files get deleted - Test Suite and Test Cases are compiled and wrapped into lgRevision-test.jar under "dist" folder. - lgRevision.jar, lgRevision-test.jar, revision-GenerateReport.xml, revision-TestRunner.sh, revision-TestRunner.bat, required external jars and source ontologies are bundled into "lgRevision-deploy.zip" file. 3) Extract the contents of "lgRevision-deploy.zip" into the root of lexBIG installation (ex: C:/Program Files/LexGrid/LexBIG/5.0.0a/) - Revision API is integrated with your lexBIG instance. 4) Go to "test" folder in your lexBIG instance and run revision-TestRunner.bat file in windows environment or revision-TestRunner.sh file in unix/Linux environment. 5) Test Results can be viewed under "test/revision-Reports" folder. NOTE: Revision API is compiled using jdk1.6. Make sure your JAVA_HOME and PATH are set to jdk1.6