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* Copyright: (c) 2004-2013 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and
* Research (MFMER). All rights reserved. MAYO, MAYO CLINIC, and the
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* MFMER as the author of this software, the trade names, trademarks, service
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package org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Extensions.Generic;

import java.util.Set;

import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBParameterException;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.Iterators.ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator;

 * A simplified Search Extension.
 * Query syntax is described by the
 * {@link Lucene Query Syntax}
public interface SearchExtension extends GenericExtension {
     * Search based on a given text string over all coding schemes.
     * @param text
     *             The search text
     * @return
     *             A ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator
     * @throws LBParameterException
    public ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator search(String text) throws LBParameterException;
     * Search based on a given text string over given coding schemes.
     * @param text
     *             The search text
     * @param codingSchemes
     *             The coding schemes to include in the search
     * @return
     *             A ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator
     * @throws LBParameterException
    public ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator search(
            String text,
            Set<CodingSchemeReference> codingSchemes) throws LBParameterException;
     * Search based on a given text string over given coding schemes, excluding
     * the listed.
     * NOTE: If a coding scheme appears in both codingSchemesToInclude
     * and codingSchemesToExclude, the exclude will be given priority.
     * @param text
     *             The search text
     * @param codingSchemesToInclude
     *             The coding schemes to include in the search
     * @param codingSchemesToExclude
     *             The coding schemes to include in the search
     * @return
     *             A ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator
     * @throws LBParameterException
    public ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator search(
            String text,
            Set<CodingSchemeReference> codingSchemesToInclude,
            Set<CodingSchemeReference> codingSchemesToExclude) throws LBParameterException;

Query Syntax

Query format of the Search Extension follows the Lucene Query Syntax. Any search string allowed by this syntax is accepted by the Search Extension.

By default, all search terms will be joined by an "AND" operator, unless otherwise specified.

For instance, a search of "Heart Attack" will by default translate to "Heart AND Attack"

The following characters are stripped and not indexed. This means that if passed in as a search string, they will not play a role in matching of a term.

For example, "@heart" and "$heart" will both be indexed identically – as "heart"

Characters to remove:

',', '.', '/', '\', '`', '\'', '"', '+', '*', '=', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '?', '!'


The following characters will be translated into whitespace during indexing

This means words will be broken and indexed separately.

For example, "Heart-Attack" will be indexed separately as "heart" and "attack"

Characters treated as whitespace: 

'-', ';', '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '<', '>', '|'