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titleHow to Use this Template
  • Change the title page title to "<product> <release> Release Notes", for example CDE Curation Tool Release Notes.
  • Write your release notes. For an example refer to CDE Curation Tool Release Notes.
  • When you are finished, click the Wiki Markup tab and delete this "info" panel.
  • Save your page and export to HTML following the instructions in this Tip.
  • Include the plain HTML file from the export package in the Zip file of your software release and post the plain HTML file on the Docs tab of your product's GForge project.

Advanced Tables - Table Plus

National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics
Product NN Release Notes
DD MM 2009

Product Changes

Items marked New Feature: can be found in the GForge project Feature Requests tracker group. Items marked Bug: can be found in the Bugs tracker group.

  • New Feature: Short description of new feature, for example, Show all CD's from all contexts by default
    Hyperlinked GForge tracker number
  • Bug: Short description of bug, for example, Wrong modifier(for old version) and creator(new version) while creating a new version of DE, DEC or VD
    Hyperlinked GForge tracker number

The objective of this Protege 1.4 release is to harden the NCIEditTab plug-in for Protege so the project can go into an operation and maintenance mode of operation in lieu of actively developing new releases of the product containing new features.  Protege 1.4 is planned to be the last major release of the NCIEditTab Protege plug-in.

  • List of New Features and Bug Fixes (GForge items):

3954    Merging two concepts with incoming roles should not result in duplicates
5967    New concepts go to bottom of the sibling list, rather than alphabetical
7519    Changes ontology in database
8302    Need automatic cursors in filler windows
8407    Enter key does not close confirmation message box -- duplicate of #8611
8590    Allow user to modify Superclasses in Copy tab
8604    Improve load time of Edit tab
8609    Retain frame sizes after switching tabs
8610    Auto-select the previously selected Thesaurus
8629    Provide ability to disable right click menu options from main tree
10811    Restriction change frozen out
11018    catch client exception when server is down or being bounced
11110    PROMPT-Table  wiew does not have ontologies' names
11114    PROMPT- 'Source knowledge bases' window inconsistency
11115    PROMPT- 'Table View' crashes after visting 'Show sources' window
11891    deleting classes can cause spurious values showing up in class browser
12358    PROMPT- Reject button in Tree view produces error message to the console
12815    Track the last modeler who modified the assignment
12817    Creating new workflow assignments
12935    text is not trimmed
13613    Does not change status of workflow to Updated when manager edits a concept
13848    Allow search on null in AQP
14404    If character in slot matches delimiter then export misaligns values
14480    Make NCIEdit subtabs configurable
14786    Focus jumps to new project after final row deleted
14805    Have batch load verify all STYs are correct when loading
15003    NCIWorkflow - reorder columns
15174    No copy option on right click menus for Split function
15175    (SEE COMMENTS) Invalid classification findings if premerge or pre-retire exists
15381    Adding restrictions and the Advanced Query
15493    Default Task Description of new Workflow assignment has typo
15664    Assumption of role groups
15752    In copy pane, modify restriction does not remember filler value
15889    Merging two concepts with incoming properties should not result in duplicates
15944    PROMPT: namespaces in Table view
16012    User is able to accept changes that classifier suggest for inconsistant class - leads to issue
16120    Addition of a date tag to retired concepts and to merged concepts
16140    Copy Tab allows save of class with duplicate restrictions
16152    Display of NCIEditTab Build Version
16161    Comment on the confirmation 'OK' box
16163    Addition of Superclass in Copy/Split/PreMerge - allow 'defining' superclass
16533    Unnecessary warning when leaving Copy or Edit pane
16775    Simplify adding a role
16873    History records created on classification in client--server mode
16887    Add definition field to window when cloning a class
16926    :ROLE concrete - Prompt bug fix
16983    Duplicates Items displayed on the main menu.
17128    Changes tab does not show up after changing the Look and feel.
17145    Protege freezes after chaning the Look and Feel the second time.
17210    LQP/AQP - selection and output of superclasses
17212    LQP/AQP - search for concepts lacking a property value
17213    Selection criteria for concepts to be exported via LQP/AQP export function
17214    Report writer - add export function currently in LQP/AQP
17450    Loss of Concepts form the Hierarchy
17570    Confusing message to the user when you drag the retiring concept into surviving concepts pane.
17760    Workflow improvements
17777    AQP sometimes returns an incomplete result set
18116    LQT export of results is exporting entire path
18163    Triple click on Change History causes UnsupportedOperationException
18164    query in changes tab search box gives 'Please enter an expressioin' error
18177    Incorrect display of LQT search criteria
18210    User can drag and drop a concept which has not been pre-merged into a merge pane.
18232    Language should be serialialized as xml:lang attribute
18497    RuntimeException when you click 'Edit form of type...' button on Edit tab
18536    Batch Load of new concepts interferes with other editors creating concepts
18589    LQP view class buttons do not appear for class in PATO
18599    Language display
18616    Save of concept_history in NCI_DB format after Prompt should be altered or automated
18831    LQT needs label at bottom to identify protege instance
18929    A classifier run tags all concepts with protege:inferred properties
18930    PROMPT tab allows start of compare even when another compare is running
18959    sort of inferred results panel
18961    queries in change tab
18978    frame caching refactoring
18981    switching subtabs in nciedittab is slow
18988    Modifications to the reasoning server to support storage plug-ins
18989    Add context information in reasoner client/server protocol to reject updates to unrelated ontologies
18990    Reasoner URL as per-project preference (rather than per Protege Server)
19000    Reduce reasoning time for explanations which include domain or range axioms
19024    Merge process by GUI changed between and
19077    Not able to Split a concept :RuntimeException
19100    property tab, can't edit enumerations
19165    Display in Browser' dialog for editing Unstructured Proposals shows wrong URL
19308    OWL:Thing can be added as a filler value while adding a restriction or an association
19361    FULL_SYN with incorrect format cannot be fixed in NCI Editor Edit Tab
19499    Not able to drag and drop a concept in to Copy,Premerge,preretire,merge and retire pane.
19520    Project is closed when you check Drag and Drop, while on edit tab.
19522    Select Named Class does not reappear with a populated window after a search,so OWL:Thing gets added.
19722    Could add OWL:Thing as a filler value and also as an association.
19730    Error at save causes loss of all prior edits
19734    Focus is incorrect after edit of subclass in PreRetire
19792    LPQ gives duplicate results
19826    Confirmation box when Preferred_Name is changed
19850    Changing the Preferred Name in the copy tab does not change the NCI PT
19934    Partonomy Tree Tab does not work
19973    Nested Search fails with quantifier 'Only'.
19985    Defined Concepts in Hierarchy Browser not indicated
20018    During a batch edit a new definition is accepted even without the qualifiers.
20120    Problems editing a parent
20134    Exception on switching to the LQT tab from the Report Writer tab
20157    Couple of classes on the 'Select a name class' dialogue are expanded upto 2nd node.
20170    Configurability of Report Writer output
20173    Cloned concepts have incorrectly diaplayed PN.
20318    Lucene query tab will not search PATO
20323    Prompt: NCI Concept History -- management of properties
20420    Classification failed with a Reasoner error.
20478    Unwanted Rick-click options.
20510    Classes in the 'Select a named class' dialogue not sorted alphabetically.
20512    Right click menu options on the class browser can create, delete super classes.
20624    Concept History plugin of Prompt writes empty string on referencecode
20644    Case sensitivity when creating a copy.
20698    Inability to exit merge panel when a non-pre-merged concept is accidentally dropped into merge panel
20738    Cannot save/accept new child concept proposals imported from SMW
20754    Add support for associations to merge/retire
20914    Explanation tab should request one explanation initially, more only on user request
20928    search invoked from the drop down is missing magnifying glasses
20929    exporter is single quoting names from browser text
21196    Lang is not displayed for a full syn or a definition.
21271    Need to filter property choices so that only valid options are available.
21301    Right click edit full syn in Copy pane unecessarily prompts warning messagebox
21317    Empty Definition tags created on the New concept pane of Copy tab.
21323    Modifying rdfs label does not update PN or PT full_syn
21446    On the retire pane after clicking retire and before clicking save, a user can add properties to the retiring concept.
21474    LQP Report inverted the query output
21481    Copying the Preferred_Name from the main GUI enables the Save button
21570    Able to edit a Retired Concept in a bulk process
21576    Invalid Filler Value Errors
21578    Unusual characters in cloned definition cause blank definition
21579    Validating complex properties in batch edit
21598    Multiple confirmation messages after a preretire save
21629    APQ popup window still not labeled with terminology
21630    Merge and retire cannot be completed because of protegeinferred:Sub/SuperclassOf
21631    Clone without DEF gives empty <def-definition> but other qualifiers are present i.e. <def-source>, <Definition_Review_Date>
21633    Hierarchy not displaying trees in alphabetical order
21650    Lucene configuration-- minus 1 value does not function properly
21651    Explanation Tab not in sync with Hierarchy Browser in NCIEditor tab
21689    Strange behavior on Preferred Name change
21712    Editor allows editing of retired concepts
21856    Explanation server takes over 90 min to start
21896    follow up bug #21650--Lucene Config setting -1
21900    If clone a concept with no definition it does not retain the provided one
22005    Restriction-based queries not working
22010    carriage return allowed in property field?
22021    Loss of Concepts form the Hierarchy with bad modeling
22027    unable to bring concept upto Edit panel after failed BulkEdit
22114    batch load/edit need to capture EVS History
22333    BFO concepts with BGT subclasses have duplicate rdfs properties after prompt and file export
22400    LQT results don't have search criteria appended at the end of the file.
22404    Batch load causes NPE
22723    Problem with property creation
22856    lucene query incorrectly filters properties for search.
23143    unable to save concept with Def_Curator property
23205    Concept deleted when trying to replace owl:thing as a parentContinue the previous pattern for each software change.

Important Remaining Issues

  • Description of the issue including special circumstances and workarounds. GF tracker number hyperlinked to the tracker. Note: Write for the intended audience.

    Indented commentary if needed (example). Continue the previous pattern for each issue.

CORE Product Dependencies

Refer to the CORE Product Dependency Matrix for the caCORE SDK and other software technologies on which this release of this product relies.

Release History



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