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Table of Contents
Wiki Markup
This is a template for creating a page for meeting agenda and meeting notes.

h1. Meeting Information

| *Time* \\ | 11:00 AM   - 12:15pm EST \\ |
| *Date* \\ | 12/07/2009 |
| *Location* \\ | telecon |
Lead: Denise Warzel

Moderator/Facilitator: Beate Mahious

h2. Attendees

| Denise   Warzel | NCI CBIIT |
| Beate   Mahious | Semantic   Bits |
| Rick   Kiefer | Mayo   Clinic |
| Brian   Davis | 3{^}rd^ Millennium, Inc. |
| Margaret   Haber | NCI CBIIT |
| Sherri   DeCoronado | NCI CBIIT |
| Baris   Suzek | Georgetown |
| Patrick   McConnell | Semantic   Bits |
| Hua Min | Fox Chase |
| Shantanu   Despande | Persistent |


h1. Meeting Agenda

h2. Topic 1

| *Topic* \\ | Walk through callers script on what questions to ask \\
 By way of one sample walk-through of entering the information into online template  |
| *Presenter* \\ | Denise Warzel \\ |
| *Time* \\ | 1 hour \\ |

h2. Topic 2

| *Topic* \\ | provide Baris, Hua, Shantanu and Patrick with Forum topics to deconstruct into the template \\ |
| *Presenter* \\ | Brian Davis \\ |
| *Time* \\ | 5 minutes \\ |

Action Items

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h2. Topic 3

| *Topic* \\ | provide Baris, Hua, Shantanu and Patrick with priority topics \\ |
| *Presenter* \\ | Denise WArzel \\ |
| *Time* \\ | 10 minutes \\ |

Action Items
| h4. Assigned To \| h4. Description \| h4. Due Date \|
| Hua Min \\
Shantanu \\
Patrick \\
Baris | h4. Starting Tuesday morning: Go through 18 Forum   topics, create template for each (perhaps use more than one, for complicated   forum postings) and fill in pre-interview information | h4. Fri Dec 11 |
| Patrick | Make   phone calls and fill in Interview section of template, as well as post   interview as much as possible regarding: \\
*\- 21090   datatype* \\
*\- Metadata   to taverna* | h4. Fri Dec 11 |
| Baris | *Make   phone calls and fill in Interview section of template, as well as post   interview as much as possible regarding:* \\
*\- Model   re-use bridge* | h4. Fri Dec 11 |
| Shantanu | *Make   phone calls and fill in Interview section of template, as well as post   interview as much as possible regarding:* \\
*\- Downloading   Data Elements - Diane Reeves* | h4. Fri Dec 11 |
| Hua Min | Make   phone calls and fill in Interview section of template, as well as post   interview as much as possible regarding: \\
*\- Comparing   Models-TBD (Denise and Bea)* | h4. Fri Dec 11 |
| h4. Denise, Ann Wiley | h4. implement changes to template as described in word   doc from Bea from discussion today | h4. Tue Dec 8 |
| h4. Denise, Rick | h4. Create table on initiatives page for Denise to   assign Priorities and Requirement Analysts | h4. Tue Dec 8 |
| h4. Ann Wiley | h4. Provide login and password for those RAs who don't   have access yet and to Bea | h4. Tue Dec 8 |
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\-->Description || Due Date \\ || Notes \\ ||
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\-->Hua Min \\
Shantanu \\
Patrick Baris | \\ | \\ | <\!-\-  /\* Font Definitions \*/  @font-face\\
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\-->Starting Tuesday morning: Go through 18 Forum topics, create template for each (perhaps use more than one, for complicated forum postings) and fill in pre-interview information | <\!-\-  /\* Font Definitions \*/  @font-face\\
 {font-family:"Cambria Math"; 	panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; 	mso-font-charset:0; 	mso-generic-font-family:roman; 	mso-font-pitch:variable; 	mso-font-signature:-1610611985 1107304683 0 0 159 0;}
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\-->Fri Dec 11 | \\ |
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\-->Patrick | \\ | \\ | <\!-\-  /\* Font Definitions \*/  @font-face\\
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\-->Make phone calls and fill in Interview section of template, as well as post interview as much as possible regarding: \\
*\- 21090 datatype{*}*\- Metadata to taverna* | \\ | \\ |
| <\!-\-  /\* Font Definitions \*/  @font-face\\
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\-->Baris | \\ | \\ | <\!-\-  /\* Font Definitions \*/  @font-face\\
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\-->Make phone calls and fill in Interview section of template, as well as post interview as much as possible regarding:*\- Model re-use bridge* | \\ | \\ |
| \\ | \\ | \\ | <\!-\-  /\* Font Definitions \*/  @font-face\\
 {font-family:"Cambria Math"; 	panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; 	mso-font-charset:0; 	mso-generic-font-family:roman; 	mso-font-pitch:variable; 	mso-font-signature:-1610611985 1107304683 0 0 159 0;}
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\-->Make phone calls and fill in Interview section of template, as well as post interview as much as possible regarding:Downloading Data Elements - Diane Reeves | \\ | \\ |
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\-->Shantanu | \\ | \\ | \\ | \\ | \\ |
| \\ | \\ | \\ | \\ | \\ | \\ |
| \\ | \\ | \\ | \\ | \\ | \\ |