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Use Case Number
The author-assigned number to refer to each specific use case. The format of this number is <SemCon Ops Initiative><analyst's initiatls><requirement number>.< <use case number>, for example Init1dbw1.1, Init1dbw1.2, Init2dbw2.1, 2.2, etc.


Brief Description

There is strong consensus that phenotypic imaging data will add meaningful discovery in the research setting and to diagnosis, staging, and prognosis in the clinical setting when cross correlated with molecular profiling and pathology data.  

Actor(s) for this particular use case

scientific medical researcher

The state of the system before the user interacts with it

1.    Grid data services to enable the sharing of DICOM RT Objects, clinical data, outcome data, associated metadata and any annotations and markup created by reviewers.
2.    These grid services would also require mechanisms to support role-based data access controls that utilize grid credentials
3.    A deployment of the caGrid security infrastructure (GAARDS) and integration with the institutional identity providers of the participating institutions.
4.    Information models to better describe the data that is being shared on the grid. This includes AIM extensions, extensions to the NCIA DICOM data model to support DICOM Objects and models to describe outcome data.
5.    Grid analytical services to support on-demand deployment and invocation of review and analysis.
6.    Grid middleware that federates the various data services allowing exploratory queries that span multiple data models.
7.    Workflow execution framework that allows researchers to obtain data from the federated data services, discover analysis algorithms relevant to the data archive, construct and execute a workflow of the various analysis routines
8.    Integration with CTMS and clinical data systems,
9.    Creation of a spanning ontology that supports a single common reference information model for all caBIG projects that need to refer to imaging and other DICOM-related information in their individual information
10.    Extensions of AIM to new domains such as RT and microscopy
11.    All relevant patient data needs to be mapped to a common Patient ID structure.
12.    Well annotated Imaging and Microscopy files are available at NBIA.

Post condition
The state of the system after the user interacts with it

The clinical researcher is able to view the radiology, histopathology, proteomics and clinical data on the queried upon criteria

Steps to take
The step-by-step description of how users will interact with the system to achieve a specific business goal or function

1.    A translation scientist logs into the data query service
2.    He specifies key words that he is looking for on the grid
3.    The service takes up the keywords and queries NCIA, caHUB, caArray for imaging, histopathology, clinical and genomics data
4.    The query performs a join of the result based on common patient ID structure and displays it to the scientist.

Alternate Flow
Things which would prevent the normal flow of the use case


The priority of implementing the use case: High, Medium or Low


Associated Links
The brief user stories, each describing the user interacts with the system for the one function only of the use case. There would potentially be a number of user stories that make up the use case.


Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion 
How would actor describe the acceptable usage scenarios for the software or service that meets the actor's requirement?



Use Case - Descriptive Name
