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Create a Windows Azure Ubuntu Virtual Machine

  1. Login Log in to Windows Azure Management Portal.
  2. Go to VM Screen, select "+ NEW" from the lower left corner of the screen.
  3. On the pane that appears select, Compute > Virtual Machine > Quick Create.

    DNS Name: pick something unique and memorable
    Image: Ubuntu Server 13.04
    New Password/Confirm: provide a good password for the azureuser
    Region/Affinity Group: West US
  4. Click Create a virtual machine.

  5. Once your virtual machine is created, select it from the VM screen.

  6. Go to the Endpoints menu.

    (+ Add) an Endpoint at the bottom of the screen.

    Provide the following information
        Name: HTTP
        Public Port: 80
        Private Port: 8000
  7. Restart the VM from the management console.

    Troubleshooting note: You may get a message that Endpoint was successfully created but restart failed. In this case, go back to Dashboard (Management Console) and click Restart. In some cases, multiple attempts may be required.

    At this point, it appears that a restart is not mandatory to continue with configuration.

  8. Now you can login to it and start configuring things.

  9. Login to your VM via ssh as: azureuser <password provided at vm build - Step 3)
  10. Things to do once you're in Ubuntu.

    1. sudo apt-get update
      1. enter password (azureuser password from Step 3)
    2. sudo apt-get upgrade -y
    3. sudo apt-get install git python-pip -y
    4. sudo pip install virtualenv


  1. Run the following commands to initialize the database.


    cd codalab
    python validate
    python syncdb --migrate
    python scripts\


    cd codalab
    python validate
    python syncdb --migrate
    python scripts/
  2. Run tests to verify that everything is working.

    python test

  3. Optional: Populate the site with some sample data.


    python scripts\
    python scripts\


    python scripts/
    python scripts/

Configure the Bundle Service to run



This note will explain how to run the CodaLab Django web site and the CodaLab bundle service (cl server) side-by-side on a single machine. This setup is useful for people doing development, especially when working at the interface between the two systems.
