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Discover Functional Profile

A key function desired by virtually all stakeholders is the ability to query by example using an item from a model or vocabulary (e.g., data element, property, data type, constraint, relation, concept, etc.) to find equivalent and related elements defined anywhere in the knowledge repository. The response should provide an easily understood description of the degree and nature of the semantic convergence between the example item and responsive items.

From inherited abstract Artifact Functional Profile

An artifact is a managed resource within Discovery has architectural implications on the Semantic Infrastructure: .

An artifact is associated with the following capabilitiesService Descriptions include reference to policies defining conditions of use and optionally contracts representing agreement on policies and other conditions. This requires the following capabilities (as also enumerated under governance):

  • descriptions to enable the service modules artifact to be visible, where the description includes a unique identifier for the service artifact and a sufficient, and preferably a machine processible, representation of the meaning of terms used to describe the serviceartifact, its functions, and its effects;
  • one or more discovery mechanisms that enable searching for services artifacts that best meet the search criteria specified by the service participant; where the discovery mechanism will have access to the individual service artifact descriptions, possibly through some repository mechanism;
  • accessible storage of services artifacts and service artifact descriptions, so service participants can access, examine, and use the services artifacts as defined.

Descriptions include references to metrics which describe the operational characteristics of the subjects being described. This requires the following capabilities (as partially enumerated under governance):


From inherited abstract Discovery Functional Profile

Discovery is the set of capabilities which enable searching for artifacts that best meet the search criteria specified by the service participant.

Aspects of discovery include:

  • Search for services, policies, and other artifact descriptions accessible via some repository mechanism
  • Search for operational characteristics of artifacts, which are metrics defined in artifact descriptions. The information is accessible via infrastructure monitoring capabilties or directly from services.
  • Tracking and notification mechanisms related to artifact usage, service availability, operational conformance

Capabilities associated with discovery are delineated in the functional profiles inherited, and specialized, by the discovery profile, namely:

  • Artifact
  • Metrics
  • Interoperability
From inherited abstract Interoperability Functional Profile


Descriptions provide up-to-date information on what a resource is, the conditions for interacting with the resource, and the results of such interactions. As such, the description is the source of vital information in establishing willingness to interact with a resource, reachability to make interaction possible, and compliance with relevant conditions of use. This requires the existence of

Architectural implications of interoperability on the Semantic Infrastructure are reflected in the following capabilities:

  • one or more discovery mechanisms that enable searching for described resources that best meet the criteria specified by a service participant, where the discovery mechanism will have access to individual descriptions, possibly through some repository mechanism;
  • tools to appropriately track users of the descriptions and notify them when a new version of the description is available.
From inherited abstract Metrics Functional Profile

Artifact Descriptions include references to metrics which describe the operational characteristics of the subjects being described

Architectural implications of metrics on the Semantic Infrastructure are reflected in the following capabilities:

  • access to platform infrastructure monitoring and reporting capabilities
  • access to metrics information generated or accessible by related services
  • mechanisms to catalog and enable discovery of which metrics are available for a described artifact and information on how these metrics can be accessed;
  • mechanisms to catalog and enable discovery of compliance records associated with policies, contracts, and constraints that are based on these metrics.
Capability Elaborations

This Functional Profile includes, but is not limited to, the following capability elaborations:

Derived From Requirements

  • Gap Analysis::Discover::007 - System allows for discovery of touch points to other models System allows for discovery of touch points to other models
  • *Gap Analysis::Discover::026.3 - Provide a mechanism to assist the user in choosing the right data element * Provide a mechanism to assist the user in choosing the right data element
  • Gap Analysis::Discover::029 - Support search like 'x' for concepts in the EVS using natural language processing to identify possible matches Support search like 'x' for concepts in the EVS using natural language processing to identify possible matches
  • Gap Analysis::Discover::033 - Concept based search Provide a discovery service/tool which exposes data elements not based on the Names stored in the KR but by using a concept from the EVS search and pulling associated Administered Components from the KR to match.
  • Gap Analysis::Discover::148 - Index published literature Create indexes of published literature using natural language processing and ontologies to index the content
  • Gap Analysis::Discover::159 - Unstructured Document Search Automatically extract information for reuse from unstructured sources, programmatic access to the 'materials and methods section of a paper' so the same experiments can be performed using your own data
  • Gap Analysis::HL7 CIC::CIC-16 -   Retain query results in different representation and storage formats There is a need to provide retention of query results in different formats
  • Gap Analysis::EVS::EVS-5 - Unified UI for Model and EVS Search End-users need the ability to perform a search for models and to search EVS through a single user interface







System allows for discovery of touch points to other models


026.3 capability elaboration

Provide a mechanism to assist the user in choosing the right data element

029 capability elaboration

Support search like 'x' for concepts in the EVS using natural language processing to identify possible matches



complianceDiscovery capability elaboration

Mechanisms to catalog and enable discovery of compliance records associated with policies, contracts, and constraints that are based on these metrics.

discovery capability elaboration

One or more discovery mechanisms that enable searching for artifacts that best meet the search criteria specified by the service participant; where the discovery mechanism will have access to the individual artifact descriptions, possibly through some repository mechanism.

identity capability elaboration

Descriptions which include a unique identifier for the artifact.

interoperabilityDiscovery capability elaboration

One or more discovery mechanisms that enable searching for described resources that best meet the criteria specified by a service participant, where the discovery mechanism will have access to individual descriptions, possibly through some repository mechanism.

metadata capability elaboration

A representation of the meaning of terms used to describe the artifact, its functions, and its effects.

metrics capability elaboration

Access to metrics information generated or accessible by related services

metricsDiscovery capability elaboration

Mechanisms to catalog and enable discovery of which metrics are available for a described artifact and information on how these metrics can be accessed.

monitor capability elaboration

Access to platform infrastructure monitoring and reporting capabilities.

publishedLiteratureIndex capability elaboration

Create indexes of published literature using natural language processing and ontologies to index the content

Create indexes of published literature using natural language processing and ontologies to index the content


Automatically extract information for reuse from unstructured sources, programmatic access to the 'materials and methods section of a paper' so the same experiments can be performed using your own data

queryEvsAndModels capability elaboration

Support search for models and the EVS through a single User Interface

Provide a discovery service/tool which exposes data elements not based on the Names stored in the KR but by using a concept from the EVS search and pulling associated Administered Components from the KR to match.

queryModelTouchpoints capability elaboration

System allows for discovery of touch points to other models

queryUnstructuredSources capability elaboration

Automatically extract information for reuse from unstructured sources, programmatic access to the 'materials and methods section of a paper' so the same experiments can be performed using your own data

saveQueryResults capability elaboration

There is a need to provide retention of query results in different formats

serviceChangeNotification capability elaboration

Tools to appropriately track users of the descriptions and notify them when a new version of the description is available.

store capability elaboration

Accessible storage of artifacts and artifact descriptions, so service participants can access, examine, and use the artifacts as defined.
