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Description of the profile

Given the complexity of the models in use, and the large number, users are constantly confronted with the problem of trying to gain an understanding of new domains not familiar to them. Visualizations of models and vocabularies are perceived as essential to this task. The requirement is to provide visualizations that are easy to navigate, that identify the contact points between models and between vocabularies and that allow users to seamlessly move from model constructs to data.

Capability Elaborations

This Functional Profile includes, but is not limited to, the following capability elaborations:

Derived From Requirements


An artifact is a managed resource within the Semantic Infrastructure.

An artifact is associated with the following capabilities:

  • descriptions to enable the artifact to be visible, where the description includes a unique identifier for the artifact and a sufficient, and preferably a machine processible, representation of the meaning of terms used to describe the artifact, its functions, and its effects;
  • one or more discovery mechanisms that enable searching for artifacts that best meet the search criteria specified by the service participant; where the discovery mechanism will have access to the individual artifact descriptions, possibly through some repository mechanism;
  • accessible storage of artifacts and artifact descriptions, so service participants can access, examine, and use the artifacts as defined.
    A well-defined service Behavior Model.

The capabilities of the Behavior Model include:

  • characterizes the knowledge of the actions invokes against the service and events that report real world effects as a result of those actions;
  • characterizes the temporal relationships and temporal properties of actions and events associated in a service interaction;
  • describe activities involved in a workflow activity that represents a unit of work;
  • describes the role(s) that a role player performs in a service-oriented business process or service-oriented business collaboration;
  • is both human readable and machine processable;
  • is referenceable from the Service Description artifact.
    Artifact descriptions change over time and their contents will reflect changing needs and context.

Architectural implications of change on the Semantic Infrastructure are reflected in the following capabilities:

  • mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to normative definitions of one or more versioning schemes that may be applied to identify different aggregations of descriptive information, where the different schemes may be versions of a versioning scheme itself;
  • configuration management mechanisms to capture the contents of the each aggregation and apply a unique identifier in a manner consistent with an identified versioning scheme;
  • one or more mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to conversion relationships between versioning schemes, and the mechanisms to carry out such conversions.
    A well-defined service Information Model.

The capabilities of the Information Model include:

  • describes the syntax and semantics of the messages used to denote actions and events;
  • describes the syntax and semantics of the data payload(s) contained within messages;
  • documents exception conditions in the event of faults due to network outages, improper message/data formats, etc.;
  • is both human readable and machine processable
  • is referenceable from the Service Description artifact.
    Artifact Descriptions make use of defined semantics, where the semantics may be used for categorization or providing other property and value information for description classes.

Architectural implications of semantics on the Semantic Infrastructure are reflected in the following capabilities:

  • semantic models that provide normative descriptions of the utilized terms, where the models may range from a simple dictionary of terms to an ontology showing complex relationships and capable of supporting enhanced reasoning. This is a refinement of the Artifact metadata capability.
  • mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to these semantic models. This is a refinement of the Artifact store capability.
  • configuration management mechanisms to capture the normative description of each semantic model and to apply a unique identifier in a manner consistent with an identified versioning scheme. This is a refinement of the Change configurationManagement capability.
  • one or more mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to conversion relationships between semantic models, and the mechanisms to carry out such conversions.

Requirements traceability




Provide a means to visualize the models that have been loaded into the KR. The UML Model Browser displays the granular details of a model in list format, but there isn't away to visualize and navigate the whole model. The grid portal provides this feature from the metadata, there should be a way to do this when viewing models in the KR. This would enhance a potential new user’s ability to determine if they can use all or part of a model.

Gap Analysis::



038 - Visualize and navigate whole models


The ability to navigate, search, order, group (predefined & ad-hoc), and compare data element definitions, associations, and code lists is a requirement for defining CDISC standards.   In the CDISC SHARE (Shared Health and Research Electronic Library) Pilot it was very difficult to navigate/search/compare definitions; the semantic Wiki did not provide good tooling for these capabilities.  There was no ability to display, order, and align any code sets or their associations with data elements.  KR Searching capabilities should include ad hoc views, pre-defined views, wild card, and synonym searches, ignore word stems, the exclusion of some results, and the ability to search/view hierarchies.  Other search capabilities include control over which objects to search, the ability to view results and data element display by source or other criteria. In addition, the LED displays did not provide enough visual real-estate.   This includes the display of horizontal and vertical data structures.  A big CDISC problem is that most standards developers are content experts and not information modelers or IT experts.  Generally, they are volunteers who meet once a week.  They also have a few content curators, technical data modelers as well as technical experts.  An easy-to-use asynchronous collaboration environment is central to the success of their CDISC standards work. *Source:  * * 5/20/2010 Interview, David Iberson-Hurst * CDISC Share Pilot Report and CDISC Requirements Package 1 - NCI Semantic Infrastructure, 5/28/2010, Section 2.1 & Section 2.2, Section 2.3

Gap Analysis::CDISC::

CDISC-6 -  Provide enhanced visualization, browsing and search tools



Semantic Profile::OASIS SOA::

Governance Model

discovery from inherited abstract profile Artifact, identity from inherited abstract profile Artifact, metadata from inherited abstract profile Artifact, store from inherited abstract profile Artifact,


Semantic Profile::OASIS SOA::

Interacting with Services Model

message from inherited abstract profile Information Model, payload from inherited abstract profile Information Model, exception from inherited abstract profile Information Model, serviceBinding from inherited abstract profile Information Model, diagramModelBinding from inherited abstract profile Information Model, diagramModelBinding from inherited abstract profile Behavior Model, serviceBinding from inherited abstract profile Behavior Model, action from inherited abstract profile Behavior Model, temporal from inherited abstract profile Behavior Model, workflow from inherited abstract profile Behavior Model, participant from inherited abstract profile Behavior Model,


Semantic Profile::OASIS SOA::

Service Description Model

versioning from inherited abstract profile Change, configurationManagement from inherited abstract profile Change, transition from inherited abstract profile Change, discovery from inherited abstract profile Artifact, identity from inherited abstract profile Artifact, metadata from inherited abstract profile Artifact, store from inherited abstract profile Artifact, semanticConversion from inherited abstract profile Semantic Model,



characterizes the knowledge of the actions invokes against the service and events that report real world effects as a result of those actions;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations




Provide enhanced visualization, browsing and search tools.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



Mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to normative definitions of one or more versioning schemes that may be applied to identify different aggregations of descriptive information, where the different schemes may be versions of a versioning scheme itself.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



Is both human readable and machine processable.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



One or more discovery mechanisms that enable searching for artifacts that best meet the search criteria specified by the service participant; where the discovery mechanism will have access to the individual artifact descriptions, possibly through some repository mechanism.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



Documents exception conditions in the event of faults due to network outages, improper message/data formats, etc.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



Descriptions which include a unique identifier for the artifact.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



Describes the syntax and semantics of the messages used to denote actions and events

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



A representation of the meaning of terms used to describe the artifact, its functions, and its effects.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations




Provide a means to visualize the models that have been loaded into the KR. The UML Model Browser displays the granular details of a model in list format, but there isn't away to visualize and navigate the whole model. The grid portal provides this feature from the metadata, there should be a way to do this when viewing models in the KR. This would enhance a potential new user’s ability to determine if they can use all or part of a model.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



describes the role(s) that a role player performs in a service-oriented business process or service-oriented business collaboration;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



Describes the syntax and semantics of the data payload(s) contained within messages

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



While the Resource identity provides the means to know which subject and subject description are being considered, Provenance as related to the Description class provides information that reflects on the quality or usability of the subject. Provenance specifically identifies the entity (human, defined role, organization, ...) that assumes responsibility for the resource being described and tracks historic information that establishes a context for understanding what the resource provides and how it has changed over time. Responsibilities may be directly assumed by the Stakeholder who owns a Resource or the Owner may designate Responsible Parties for the various aspects of maintaining the resource and provisioning it for use by others. There may be more than one entity identified under Responsible Parties; for example, one entity may be responsible for code maintenance while another is responsible for provisioning of the executable code. The historical aspects may also have multiple entries, such as when and how data was collected and when and how it was subsequently processed, and as with other elements of description, may provide links to other assets maintained by the Resource owner.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



One or more mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to conversion relationships between semantic models, and the mechanisms to carry out such conversions.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



Is referenceable from the Service Description artifact.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



Accessible storage of artifacts and artifact descriptions, so service participants can access, examine, and use the artifacts as defined.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



characterizes the temporal relationships and temporal properties of actions and events associated in a service interaction;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



One or more mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to conversion relationships between versioning schemes, and the mechanisms to carry out such conversions.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



Configuration management mechanisms to capture the contents of the each aggregation and apply a unique identifier in a manner consistent with an identified versioning scheme.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations



describe activities involved in a workflow activity that represents a unit of work;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations