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h3. {
Children Display



Description of the profile

Integration with the Semantic Infrastructure will enable reasoning.

Data semantics are captured in the Semantic Infrastructure and the platform will leverage the Semantic Infrastructure interfaces for reasoning.


Requirements traceability








Identify data elements that should be harmonized with existing data elements that are semantically close


h4. Summary

h5. Description of the profile

Integration with the Semantic Infrastructure will enable reasoning. 

 Data semantics are captured in the Semantic Infrastructure and the platform will leverage the Semantic Infrastructure interfaces for reasoning.

h5.  Capabilities

* [harmonizeSemanticallySimilarDataElements|#EAID_5683BD02_D673_4a35_8759_8472CFC44724]
* [manageHomonyms|#EAID_11A2DAA6_9D0F_4d56_94F8_F583907AF792]
* [mapSimilarDataElements|#EAID_AFA5E860_0D94_4bae_B906_DE75E5E109FF]
* [owlTransform|#EAID_7EEE5480_224B_485f_B660_FFDEF04D7DC8]

h4. Requirements traceability
|Identify data elements that should be harmonized with existing data elements that are semantically close |Gap Analysis::Transform::{anchor:_16_5_1_24a0131_1283087270931_503821_4413




Provide mappings between similar data elements


}030 - Harmonization of semantically similar data elements|{li}[harmonizeSemanticallySimilarDataElements|#EAID_5683BD02_D673_4a35_8759_8472CFC44724]{li}|	
|Provide mappings between similar data elements |Gap Analysis::Transform::








Identify and "translate" data that is really identical, but has been assigned different datatypes.


}058 - Provide mappings between similar data elements|{li}[mapSimilarDataElements|#EAID_AFA5E860_0D94_4bae_B906_DE75E5E109FF]{li}|	
|Identify and "translate" data that is really identical, but has been assigned different datatypes. |Gap Analysis::Transform::






}101 - Cross-datatype equality check




|Make it easy to expose XML-OWL transformations on the grid.


 |Gap Analysis::Transform::






}117.2 - OWL Transformations




Provide a mechanism to deal with overlap of terms from multiple vocabularies, the same term in different sources may or may not be identical in meaning and the system will need to "merge" views of identical terms and keep unique terms separate from one another.


|Provide a mechanism to deal with overlap of terms from multiple vocabularies, the same term in different sources may or may not be identical in meaning and the system will need to "merge" views of identical terms and keep unique terms separate from one another. |Gap Analysis::Transform::








Artifact lifecycle management and metadata requirements include the ability to: * Manage lifecycle, governance and versioning of the models, content and forms * Establish relationships and dependencies between models, content and forms * Determine provenance, jurisdiction, authority and intellectual property * Create represention and views of the information, realized through the appropriate transforms * Provide access control and other security constraints * Create annotations for better discovery and searching of artifacts * Develop usage scenarios and context for the information * Provide terminology and value set binding The artifacts are bound to the services via the service metadata. The service metadata combined with the artifacts and supporting metadata provide a comprehensive service specification. The artifact management requirements listed above are derived from the following use cases: * caEHR: The caEHR project has adopted ECCF for specifications and CDA documents for interoperability. The caEHR project requirements include the need for an infrastructure for managing all the artifacts generated during specification process, including HL7 models and documents. The caEHR project also intends to publish these artifacts for the community and vendors. The infrastructure needs to support better discovery, making all the relevant information available in the right context. * ONC and other external EHR adopters: ONC has adopted CCD and CCR for meaningful use. All national EHR implementations are expected to support forms and the semantics of these forms play a critical role in interoperability. The semantic infrastructure must provide a mechanism to create, store and manage these forms. * Clinical Trials: Clinical trials use forms to capture clinical information, and the semantics captured by these forms are critical for interoperability and reporting. The semantic infrastructure must provide a mechanism to manage the lifecycle of these forms.


}138 - Term disambiguation|{li}[manageHomonyms|#EAID_11A2DAA6_9D0F_4d56_94F8_F583907AF792]{li}|	
|Artifact lifecycle management and metadata requirements include the ability to:       * Manage lifecycle, governance and versioning of the models, content and forms      * Establish relationships and dependencies between models, content and forms          * Determine provenance, jurisdiction, authority and intellectual property          * Create represention and views of the information, realized through the appropriate transforms          * Provide access control and other security constraints          * Create annotations for better discovery and searching of artifacts          * Develop usage scenarios and context for the information          * Provide terminology and value set binding  The artifacts are bound to the services via the service metadata. The service metadata combined with the artifacts and supporting metadata provide a comprehensive service specification.    The artifact management requirements listed above are derived from the following use cases:   * _caEHR_: The caEHR project has adopted ECCF for specifications and CDA documents for interoperability. The caEHR project requirements include the need for an infrastructure for managing all the artifacts generated during specification process, including HL7 models and documents. The caEHR project also intends to publish these artifacts for the community and vendors. The infrastructure needs to support better discovery, making all the relevant information available in the right context.   * _ONC and other external EHR adopters_: ONC has adopted CCD and CCR for meaningful use. All national EHR implementations are expected to support forms and the semantics of these forms play a critical role in interoperability. The semantic infrastructure must provide a mechanism to create, store and manage these forms.   * _Clinical Trials_: Clinical trials use forms to capture clinical information, and the semantics captured by these forms are critical for interoperability and reporting. The semantic infrastructure must provide a mechanism to manage the lifecycle of these forms. |Semantic Infrastructure Requirements::Artifact Management::{anchor:_16_5_1_24a0131_1283090023842_213150_4485


harmonizeSemanticallySimilarDataElements, mapSimilarDataElements, owlTransform, manageHomonyms,


}Artifact Lifecycle Management|{li}[harmonizeSemanticallySimilarDataElements|#EAID_5683BD02_D673_4a35_8759_8472CFC44724]{li}{li}[mapSimilarDataElements|#EAID_AFA5E860_0D94_4bae_B906_DE75E5E109FF]{li}{li}[owlTransform|#EAID_7EEE5480_224B_485f_B660_FFDEF04D7DC8]{li}{li}[manageHomonyms|#EAID_11A2DAA6_9D0F_4d56_94F8_F583907AF792]{li}|

h4. {anchor:EAID_5683BD02_D673_4a35_8759_8472CFC44724



Identify data elements that should be harmonized with existing data elements that are semantically close

Identify and "translate" data that is really identical, but has been assigned different datatypes.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations


h5. Description

Identify data elements that should be harmonized with existing data elements that are semantically close 

 Identify and "translate" data that is really identical, but has been assigned different datatypes.
h5. Requirements addressed
* [101 - Cross-datatype equality check|#_16_5_1_24a0131_1283087273375_254693_4419]																															
* [030 - Harmonization of semantically similar data elements|#_16_5_1_24a0131_1283087270931_503821_4413]																															
* [Artifact Lifecycle Management|#_16_5_1_24a0131_1283090023842_213150_4485]														

h5. Overview of possible operations

h4. {anchor:EAID_11A2DAA6_9D0F_4d56_94F8_F583907AF792



Provide a mechanism to deal with overlap of terms from multiple vocabularies, the same term in different sources may or may not be identical in meaning and the system will need to "merge" views of identical terms and keep unique terms separate from one another.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations


h5. Description

Provide a mechanism to deal with overlap of terms from multiple vocabularies, the same term in different sources may or may not be identical in meaning and the system will need to "merge" views of identical terms and keep unique terms separate from one another.
h5. Requirements addressed
* [Artifact Lifecycle Management|#_16_5_1_24a0131_1283090023842_213150_4485]																															
* [138 - Term disambiguation|#_16_5_1_24a0131_1283087276013_144788_4434]														

h5. Overview of possible operations

h4. {anchor:EAID_AFA5E860_0D94_4bae_B906_DE75E5E109FF



Provide mappings between similar data elements

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations


h5. Description

Provide mappings between similar data elements
h5. Requirements addressed
* [058 - Provide mappings between similar data elements|#_16_5_1_24a0131_1283087272733_980805_4416]																															
* [Artifact Lifecycle Management|#_16_5_1_24a0131_1283090023842_213150_4485]														

h5. Overview of possible operations

h4. {anchor:EAID_7EEE5480_224B_485f_B660_FFDEF04D7DC8



Make it easy to expose XML-OWL transformations on the grid.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations


h5. Description

Make it easy to expose XML-OWL transformations on the grid.
h5. Requirements addressed
* [117.2 - OWL Transformations|#_16_5_1_24a0131_1283087274503_680347_4425]																															
* [Artifact Lifecycle Management|#_16_5_1_24a0131_1283090023842_213150_4485]														

h5. Overview of possible operations
