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  • From the CSSI Data Portal home page, click the Browse button.
    Browse button
    The Browse Investigations page appears. A subset of it appears in the following screenshot.

    Browse Investigations page showing filters and the CTCs and PSON Cell Line Genomic Characterization - Exome investigations
    The Browse Investigation page has two sections:
    • Pie charts that show fields from the investigations. The default pie charts show combined statistics from the following investigation fields for all eight PSON data sets: Study Protocol Name, Study Assay Measurement Type, and Study Assay Technology Type. You can customize which fields appear in the pie charts and click pie slices to drill down to detailed data. You can return to the default pie charts anytime by clicking either Reset All or selecting Investigations > Browse.

    • A list of investigation details below the pie charts. These investigation details match the fields you have selected in the pie charts; for example, in the screenshot above, each investigation includes the same investigation fields as the pie chart--Study Protocol Name, Study Assay Measurement Type, and Study Assay Technology Type–plus Study Title and Description. The default list shows every investigation available in the portal, but when you add or remove fields from the pie charts, the number of investigations may change. You can return to the default (full) list at anytime by selecting Investigations > Browse.

On the Browse Investigations page, you can


explore investigation data in the following ways:

    • Anchor
      Filter the investigations in the

  1. Portal
    • portal so that only those matching the fields you select appear in the pie charts and the list. If you do not filter the investigations, you see a pie chart analysis of the three default filters, Study Protocol Name, Study Assay Measurement Type, and Study Assay Technology Type, and all of the investigations appear in the list.


      Note that not all investigations in the Portal have a value for each field. For example, in the Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) study in the screenshot above, there is no value for Study Assay Technology Type. This is reflected in the pie chart for Study Assay Technology Type at the top of the screen. In that pie chart, 5 investigations have no value for this field while the remaining 3 have the value of "nucleotide sequencing."

    • Click the study title to view study details, download selected study files, download the entire archive, and download only the metadata.
  2. Browse Scroll down the page to


Filtering Investigation Data


Filter the list to see fewer results that match your interests. To filter the list, click the checkbox next to one or more categories in the Current Investigations list. For example, click the Biomedical Investigations 9909 category to see the current investigations that match that category.
