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The CSSI DCC Portal is a public repository of experiment-related information describing cancer research investigations. You can use the portal to browse, search, and download eight Physical Sciences Oncology Network (PSON) data sets. As of January 2017, there are 8 PSON data sets in the portal. These data sets are in ISA-TAB format, which organizes investigation, study, and assay data according to the rules in the ISA-TAB specification

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  • From the CSSI Data Portal home page, click the Browse button.
    Browse button
    The Browse Investigations page appears, showing pie charts at the top and a list of investigations below them. All eight investigations currently included in this release of the CSSI DCC Portal appear in the list. A subset of the page appears in the following screenshot.

    Browse Investigations page showing filters and the CTCs and PSON Cell Line Genomic Characterization - Exome investigations


  • Pie charts that show fields from the investigations. When you first open the page or reset it to clear all selections, three pie charts appear at the top. These pie charts represent three of the fields, Study Protocol Name, Study Assay Technology Type, and Study Assay Measurement Type, that occur in the metadata of the eight 8 investigations currently in the portal (as of January 2017). The values for those fields, as well as a count for each value, appear in the pie charts. The count represents the number of times that field value occurs in all of the investigations currently in the portal.

    For example, in the default pie charts represented in the above screenshot, the Study Assay Measurement Type pie chart shows that one investigation used genome sequencing, six used imaging assay, and two used transcription profiling. Note that there are nine 9 field values and only eight 8 investigations because one 1 investigation listed two 2 values for Study Assay Measurement Type. You can determine which investigation that was by clicking on each pie slice and reviewing the details in the list below.

    Click one or more field values in the pie charts ("slices") to filter the data by that/those field value(s). The more field values you select, in one or more pie charts, the more narrowly you filter the investigation data and the fewer investigations match your selections. The investigation list refreshes each time you filter the data in this way. You can also customize which fields appear in the pie charts and how many pie charts appear by adding and removing fields.

    In the following screenshot, a user has selected at least one field value in each pie chart. The selected values are sample collection and summarize trimmed reads in the Study Protocol Name chart, nucleotide sequencing in the Study Assay Technology Type chart, and genome sequencing in the Study Assay Measurement Type chart. Only one investigation matches all of these selections and appears in the list below. To reduce the amount of filtering, you can click Reset All to return to the default pie charts, or reset on an individual pie chart. You can also return to the default view by selecting Investigations > Browse.

    Browse Investigations page with values selected in each pie chart

  • A list of investigation details below the pie charts. The investigation list shows details associated with the investigations that match your pie chart selections. For example, in the following screenshot, a user has selected one field value in the Study Protocol Name pie chart: plate cells. The number 4 next to the label plate cells means that four investigations are associated with the Study Protocol Name field value of plate cells. Those four have a null value for Study Assay Technology Type, which is the second pie chart, and all use the same Study Assay Measurement Type of imaging assay.

    The list below the pie charts match the pie chart selections. The list includes only those four investigations that have a Study Protocol Name field value of plate cells. Details for each investigation in the list includes the same fields represented by the pie charts: Study Protocol Name, Study Assay Technology Type, and Study Assay Measurement Type, plus the study name and description. The list also shows additional data about each investigation, such as the other keywords used in the Study Protocol Name field. You can return to the default (full) list at anytime by selecting Investigations > Browse.

    Browse Investigations page
