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How to Edit Health Care Facility Records

  1. Navigate to the record of interest. 
  2. In the Action column for a given organization, click Curate.
  3. In the Assign Organization Roles section toward the bottom of the Organization Details page, click the Health Care Facility tab. This is the default tab.
    The Manage Health Care Facility page displays the research roles currently assigned to the organization (if applicable). 

    HCF (Health Care Facility) tab of the Assign Organizational Roles section

  4. Click Edit.
    The Edit Health Care Facility page appears.
    Top portion of the Edit Health Care Facility page

  5. If you are not the record owner, click Override.
    The Edit Health Care Facility page appears.
    Top portion of the Edit Health Care Facility page, after override


  6. In the Health Care Facility Name field, edit the name of the organization operating in the role of health care facility.
  7. Optionally in the Alias field, enter or edit alternate names for the organization. Click Add after you enter each alternate name.


    You can not update a Healthcare Facility role status to ACTIVE.


    Health Care Facility Role Information section of Edit Health Care Facility page, list of statuses

  8. In the Address Information section, click Add Postal Address, and follow the instructions in Entering Address Information.

    The information appears in the Address Information section on the Edit Health Care Facility page.

  9. Complete the remaining Contact Information fields.


    Remember to click Add after you complete each of the contact information fields.

  10. Click Save.




Users of applications that interface with the P/O Curation Portal, for example, Protocol Abstraction, can add, or request changes to, records in the system. New records appear in the Inbox with the status "Pending". Requests for changes to existing records that have been curated previously are also displayed in the Inbox, identified in the Status column by Change Request (n) where n is the number of requests.

How to Curate Records with Change Requests

  1. On the main menu, click Inbox and locate the record with the Change Request indicator displayed in the Status column. Or, search for the organization if you know which record requires one or more changes. See Navigating Records in Tables or Searching for Organization RecordsRecords .
  2. In the Action column, click Curate.

    titleScreen layout

    Depending on your screen size and orientation, the system might display the two records side-by-side. In this case, the original record appears on the left side of the page, and requested changes appear on the right. Otherwise, the system might display the change request information below the original record.

    Organization Details - Comparison page with current organization record beside change request

  3.  If you are not the record owner, click Override.


    If more than one change has been requested, select a request from the Change Request Information drop-down list at the top right corner of the requested change record.
    Green asterisks next to data elements indicate changed values. 


      It is possible, though rare, for a change request to include values that are identical to the record you are curating. This can occur because of the differences in data between the time you curate a record and when PO fetches data from ECM.

    Organization Details - Comparison page annotated to highlight green asterisks, changed values   

  4. Compare the information in each section of the original record with the corresponding section in the change request, and then do one of the following to modify the original record:
    • To modify the information manually, enter the new information exactly as it appears in the change request.
      - or -
    • To modify the information automatically, beside each detail for which there is a change, click Copy.
      The requested change is copied to the original record.


      You must enter aliases manually. Because Change Requests do not contain alias information, copying organization names from a change request record does not automatically modify the alias list.

      - or -

    • To delete a duplicate change request value, click Remove.
      The duplicate change request is deleted.
  5. Complete any missing information in the updated record, and then click Save.




An organization may belong to one or more families. Refer to Family and Organization Relationships.

How to Manage Families

  1. Navigate to the record of interest.
  2. In the Action column for a given organization, click Curate.
  3. In the Assign Organization Roles section toward the bottom of the Organization Details page, click Manage Family(s).
    The Manage Family(s) page displays the family(s) to which the organization currently belongs (if applicable).
    Manage Family(s) page
    Manage Family(s) Page
  4. Follow one of the options in the table below to continue assigning roles:

    If there are...


    Do this

    No research family records displayed

    You want to add a family

    Above the Action column, click Add, and follow the instructions in Adding Organizations to Families .

    One or more family records displayed

    The information for them is correct

    Click Return to Organization Details, and continue with the curation.

    One or more family records displayed

    The family membership is not valid

    In the Action column for the record you want to modify, click Remove.

    One or more organization role records displayed

    The information for them is incorrect

    In the Action column for the record you want to modify, click Edit, and follow the appropriate steps in Changing Functional and Hierarchical Relationships .

  5. Click Save, and then click Return to Families.
    The organization is added to the family.
