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  1. Log in to the CSSI DCC Portal.
  2. Select Investigations > Upload.
    The Upload ISA TAB Files page appears.
    Upload ISA Tab Files page
  3. Click New Project.
    The Project Properties page appears.


    A project is simply a container for the ISA-TAB file. It allows you to track multiple versions of ISA-TAB file uploads to this project.

    It is a best practice for each investigation to have its own project.

    Project properties page

  4. Enter a title for your new project. Note that this title and that of the ISA-TAB file that the project contains can be different.
  5. Click Save Project.
    The new project is listed under Investigation Projects.


    If the File Upload section of the page is not visible, click Open next to the project name to show it.

    Upload ISA TAB Files page with an unpublished project


    If needed now or later, click Edit to change the project name. Depending on your privileges, you may not see the Delete button.

  6. Select the file you want to upload to this project in one of the following ways:

    • Drag and drop the ISA-TAB archive file from your computer to the Drop your files here box surrounded by the dashed lines:
      Drop your files here or click to browse

    • Click the Drop your files here box image and browse to where the file is stored.


  7. Click Upload files.
    The status of the file becomes Ready.

  8. Click Upload files.The file begins processing and the status moves through the following stages:
    • Uploading
    • Processing Queued  
    • Queued
    • Preparing uploaded files
    • Parsing ISA TAB Metadata  
    • Preparing Data Files  
    • Validating assay files and file sizes  
    • File processed successfully  
    • Success: file processed successfully


      You may encounter an upload error. A sample error message follows:

      Missing Data Files: File processed successfully. 1 files referenced in the assay(s) were not found. Click here to view the missing file lists (limited to 1000 entries each).

      The CSSI DCC Portal validates uploaded ISA-TAB files usingstandards using standards and conventions described in the ISA-TAB specification

      Multiexcerpt include
      PageWithExcerptwikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include
      . The ISA tools site
      Multiexcerpt include
      PageWithExcerptwikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include
      provides additional technical information about validating ISA-TAB files.

  9. Refresh the page to see the new upload listed in the Investigation Projects section of the page.  Project with uploaded file processed successfully
