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For each registered and completed trial, the Study Sponsor or Principal Investigator submits results information to the Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS) of A department of the National Library of Medicine manages the website, specifically the PRS Team. While the PRS Team reviews these results in PRS, the NCI Clinical Trials Reporting Office (CTRO) reviews these results in the CTRP Protocol Abstraction application (PA).

This section provides instructions for CTRO staff to track and manage trial results. The system associates your CTRP account with your role when you log in to PA. If you have the Results Abstractor role, the system automatically displays the Results Reporting Dashboard.

Using the Results Reporting Dashboard


To access the Results Reporting Dashboard, in the main menu, under Dashboards, click Results Reporting. This link is visible only to users with the Results Abstractor role. The Results Reporting Dashboard displays a pie chart and a list of trials.

About the Results Reporting Progress Pie Chart

The Results Reporting Dashboard also provides a Results Reporting Progress pie chart. This chart reflects the data from the list of trials.

Results Reporting Progress pie chartImage Removed

This pie chart provides the following information:


Not Started

Reflects all trials that don’t have dates in the Reporting In Process field.

In Process

Reflects all trials that have dates in the Reporting In Process field, but not the Trial Results Published Date field. (Includes trials that have XML upload errors.)


Reflects all trials that have dates in the Trial Results Published Date field.
IssuesReflects all trials that have unresolved XML upload errors and that have no date in the Trial Results Published Date field. (Unresolved XML upload errors are errors that have no date in the Resolution Date field in the Summary of XML Upload Errors & Actions Taken page.)

You can use the pie chart in the following ways:

  • If you use the search fields at the top of the Results Reporting Dashboard to narrow the list of trials, the pie chart reflects the data from the list of results.
  • If you add a date to the Reporting In Process field or the Trial Results Published Date field for a trial in the list and refresh your browser, the pie chart reflects that change.
  • If you add a date to the Resolution Date field for a trial listed in the Summary of XML Upload Errors & Actions Taken page and return to the Results Reporting Dashboard, the pie chart reflects that change.

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About the Results Reporting List of Trials

The Results Reporting Dashboard lists trials that meet all of the following criteria:

  • Criteria for original submissions:
    • NCI Sponsored trials.
    • Interventional trials.
    • Trials with lead organizations other than the NCI - Center for Cancer Research. 
    • Trials with a Processing Status of Abstraction Verified Response, Abstraction Verified No Response, or Verification Pending.
  • Criteria for amended or updated trials:
    • NCI Sponsored trials.
    • Interventional trials.
    • Trials with lead organizations other than the NCI - Center for Cancer Research. 

Results reporting and tracking information is available in the Results Reporting Dashboard for the active version of a trial regardless of amendments/amendment-rejections. When users submit (or reject) amendments for a trial, the results reporting information for that trial remains unchanged. Information for withdrawn trials will not be visible in the Results Reporting Dashboard. 

Results Reporting DashboardImage Removed

The Results Reporting Dashboard provides up-to-the-minute details of each trial, including the following:

Column in DashboardDescription

NCI Trial Identifier

Identifier assigned to this trial by the CTRP.

NCT IDIdentifier assigned to this trial by the National Clinical Trial program (
CTEP IDIdentifier assigned to this trial by the CTEP (Clinical Therapy Evaluation Program).
DCP IDIdentifier assigned to this trial by the DCP (Division of Cancer Prevention).

Lead Org PO ID

Identifier assigned to this trial by the lead organization.

Lead Organization

The name of the principal administrative organization responsible for this trial's research protocol.
Results DesigneeThe person designated by CTRO staff to submit results for this trial. 
PCDThe Primary Completion Date (PCD) for this trial.
CTRO Trial Comparison ReviewThe date on which the CTRO completed its review of results for this trial.
Trial Comparison ApprovalThe date on which the Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials (CCCT) completed its review of results for this trial.
CCCT Trial Comparison ReviewThe date on which the system sent a message to the CCCT for its review of results for this trial.

By default, the system sorts the trials by NCI Trial Identifier. To sort the list by any other column, click any column header. To reverse the order, click the column header again. An arrow indicates the sort order:

  • Ascending: Down arrow indicates that you can click to sort in descending order.
  • Descending: Up arrow indicates that you can click to sort in ascending order.

To export the list of trials to a file, scroll down to the end of the list and click one of the following:

  • Click CSV to create a generic comma-separated value file.
  • Click Excel to create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

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Narrowing the List of Trials or Searching for a Trial

You can use search criteria to narrow the list of trials or to search for a specific trial.

Search panel of the Results Reporting DashboardImage Removed

How to Narrow the List

  1. Type or select any of the search criteria listed in the following table as appropriate:

    Search Criteria

    Trial IdentifierTo search for a particular trial, type all or part of the NCI trial ID.
    Section 801 Indicator
    • To limit the search results to trials with the Section 801 Indicator set to Yes, select Yes.
    • To limit the search results to trials with the Section 801 Indicator set to No, select No.
    Primary Completion Date
    • To limit the search results to trials with a Primary Completion Date within a range of dates, specify those dates in the To and From fields. 
    • To limit the search results to trials with a Primary Completion Date after a specific date, specify that date in the From field and leave the To field blank.
    • To limit the search results to trials with a Primary Completion Date before a specific date, specify that date in the To field and leave the From field blank.
    • To limit the search results to trials with an actual Primary Completion Date, select Actual.
    • To limit the search results to trials with an anticipated Primary Completion Date, select Anticipated.
    • To expand the search results to trials with any type of Primary Completion Date, select Any.
  2. Click Search. The search results appear in the dashboard.

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Updating Trials

You can update trials by entering dates inline.

How to Update Trials

  1. Type or select any of the dates listed in the following table. If you type the date, use the following format:


    Column in DashboardInstructions
    PCD Sent to PIOType or select the date on which the Clinical Trials Administrator (CTA) sent the PCD for this trial to the Protocol and Information Office (PIO), which is DCP's administrative arm. The CTA sends this information as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by email.

    PCD Confirmed

    Type or select the date on which CTEP or DCP PIO confirmed the PCD for this trial. The CTEP or DCP PIO confirms the PCD by email.
    Designee NotifiedType or select the date on which the CTA notified the Results Designee to begin reporting results for this trial in PRS. 
    Reporting in ProcessType or select the date on which the CTA granted the Results Designee access to the trial in PRS, for the purpose of reporting results.
    3 Month ReminderType or select the date on which the CTA sent a reminder to the Results Designee, typically three months after the Reporting in Process date. The reminder message reminds the designee to finish reporting results for this trial by seven months after the Reporting in Process date.
    5 Month ReminderType or select the date on which the CTA sent another reminder to the Results Designee, typically five months after the Reporting in Process date.
    7 Month Escalation
    Type or select the date on which the CTA sent an escalation to the PIO for this trial. The CTA sends this information by email.

    Results Sent to PIO

    Type or select the date on which the CTA sent results for this trial to the PIO. The CTA sends this information by email.

    Results Approved by PIO

    Type or select the date on which the PIO approved the results for this trial. The PIO sends this approval by email.
    PRS Release DateType or select the date on which PRS released this trial to the PRS Team for review.
    QA Comments Returned DateType or select the date on which the PRS Team returned QA comments on this trial. 
    Trial Results Published Date

    Type or select the date on which published this trial's results, making them available to the public. In addition, the system automatically updates this field when the trial has results published in

  2. To commit each change, click elsewhere on the screen. A brief message appears under the field you have changed, indicating that the change has been saved. 

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Managing Results Designee Contact Information


For efficient management of trial results, the CTRO needs to maintain contact with the Results Designee for each trial. In the PA application, you can track one or more Results Designee contacts.

How to Add or Edit the Results Designee Contact

  1. In the main menu, under Dashboards, click Results Reporting. This link is visible only to users with the Results Abstractor role. The Results Reporting Dashboard displays a list of trials.
  2. Navigate using one of the following ways:
    1. In the list of trials, click the NCI trial identifier link for the trial you want to edit. A page appears with several sections, including the Results Designee Contact section. 
    2. In the panel next to the pie chart, under Add/Update Designee or PIO Contact, type the trial ID and click Search. The Add/Update Contact Information page appears with multiple sections, including the Results Designee Contact section.
      Results Designee Contact sectionImage Removed
  3. In the Results Designee Contact section, provide the contact information. Enter the appropriate information in the fields. The following table describes the fields. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Organization*Click Search, and follow the instructions in Searching for Organizations in PA.

    Click Search, and follow the instructions in Searching for Persons in PA.

    PRS User NameType the contact's user name as it appears in PRS. You can enter up to 200 characters.
    Email*Type the email address of the contact. You can enter up to 200 characters.
    PhoneType the phone number of the contact. You can enter up to 200 characters.

    Type any CTRP-specific comments about this contact. This field is not included in the nightly feed to

    ExtIf the contact's phone number has an extension, type it in this field. You can enter up to 200 characters.
  4. Click Add/Update Designee. The system saves the information that you have entered and displays it as a new row. The system also resets the form.
    Results Designee Contact section with a contact assignedImage Removed
  5. If you want to add another Results Designee contact, provide the new contact information and click Add/Update Designee. Repeat as needed.

  6. To edit a contact, click the edit icon (Edit icon, as it appears in the Results Designee Contact sectionImage Removed) in the row of the contact you want to edit. The system populates the fields of the Results Designee Contact section with the contact you have selected. Edit those fields and click Add/Update Designee.

How to Remove a Contact

  1. Click the trash can icon (Trash can icon, as it appears in the Results Designee Contact sectionImage Removed) in the row of the contact you want to remove. The system asks you to confirm the removal.
  2. Click OK.
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Managing PIO Contact Information


For efficient management of trial results, the CTA needs to maintain contact with the PIO contact for each trial. In the PA application, you can track one or more PIO contacts.

How to Add or Edit the PIO Contact

  1. In the main menu, under Dashboards, click Results Reporting. This link is visible only to users with the Results Abstractor role. The Results Reporting Dashboard displays a list of trials.
  2. Navigate using one of the following ways:
    1. In the list of trials, click the NCI trial identifier link for the trial you want to edit. A page appears with several sections, including the Assigned PIO section.
    2. In the panel next to the pie chart, under Add/Update Designee or PIO Contact, type the trial ID and click Search. The Add/Update Contact Information page appears with multiple sections, including the Assigned PIO section.
      PIO Contact sectionImage Removed
  3. In the Assigned PIO section, provide the contact information. Enter the appropriate information in the fields. The following table describes the fields. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.


    Click Search, and follow the instructions in Searching for Persons in PA.

    Email*Type the email address of the contact. You can enter up to 200 characters.
    PhoneType the phone number of the contact. You can enter up to 200 characters.
    ExtIf the contact's phone number has an extension, type it in this field. You can enter up to 200 characters.
  4. Click Add/Update PIO. The system saves the information that you have entered and displays it as a new row. The system also resets the form.
    PIO Contact section with a contact assignedImage Removed
  5. If you want to add another PIO contact, provide the new contact information and click Add/Update PIO. Repeat as needed.

  6. To edit a contact, click the edit icon (Edit icon, as it appears in the PIO Contact sectionImage Removed) in the row of the contact you want to edit. The system populates the fields of the Assigned PIO section with the contact you have selected. Edit those fields and click Add/Update PIO.

How to Remove a Contact

  1. Click the trash can icon (Trash can icon, as it appears in the PIO Contact sectionImage Removed) in the row of the contact you want to remove. The system asks you to confirm the removal.
  2. Click OK.
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Managing Trial Comparison Documents


The CTRO and CCCT review the registration information and results for a trial by comparing Microsoft Word protocol documents.

HTML Comment
Registration allows people to upload protocol documents in the other formats. If the trial was registered with a protocol document in a format other than Microsoft Word (Adobe, Excel, or WordPerfect), the CTRO has to convert it to Microsoft Word.

How to Add Microsoft Word Documents

  1. In the main menu, under Dashboards, click Results Reporting. This link is visible only to users with the Results Abstractor role. The Results Reporting Dashboard displays a list of trials.
  2. Navigate using one of the following ways:
    1. In the list of trials, click the NCI trial identifier link for the trial you want to edit. A page appears with several sections, including the Trial Comparison Documents section. 
    2. In the panel next to the pie chart, under View/Upload Trial Comparison Documents, type the trial ID and click Search. The View/Upload Trial Comparison Documents page appears, including the Trial Comparison Documents section.
      Trial Comparison Documents sectionImage Removed
  3. In the Trial Comparison Documents section, click Add. The Add/Edit Document section appears.
    Add Edit Document sectionImage Removed
  4. From the Document Type list, select the document type: Before results, After results, or Comparison.  
  5. In the File Name field, click Browse. Navigate to and select your Microsoft Word protocol document.
  6. Click Save. The document appears in the list with a date stamp reflecting the current date. When the comparison document upload completes, the system sends a copy of it by email to

Trial Comparison Documents section with documents addedImage Removed

To view a document, click its file name link.

How to Remove Documents

  1. To remove a document, click the trash can icon (Trash can icon, as it appears in the Trial Comparison Documents sectionImage Removed) in the row of the document you want to remove . The system asks you to confirm the removal.
  2. Click OK. The system keeps all documents and associated data, but removes the document and timestamps from the Trial Comparison Documents section. Depending on which document you removed, the system performs some cleanup:
    • If you remove a Before Results document or an After Results document, the system automatically removes the Comparison document.
    • If you remove an Comparison document, the system automatically removes any review timestamps associated with that document. The system prompts you to upload an updated Comparison document.

How to Replace Documents

  1. Click the edit icon (Edit icon, as it appears in the Trial Comparison Documents sectionImage Removed) in the row of the document you want to replace. The Add/Edit Document section appears. The Document Type field is read-only.
  2. In the File Name field, click Browse. Navigate to and select your Microsoft Word protocol document.
  3. Click Save. The system performs cleanup, as described above.

How to Indicate Review Progress

  1. In the Trial Comparison Documents section, in the comparison document row, click the Yes that corresponds to your role:
    • If you represent CTRO, click the Yes in the CTRO Review Complete? column. The CTRO Review Complete dialog box appears, listing all users with the Administrative Abstractor, Scientific Abstractor, Super Abstractor, or Results Abstractor role. Select the appropriate CTRO user name.
      CTRO Review Complete dialog boxImage Removed
    • If you represent CCCT, click the Yes in the CCCT Review Complete? column. The CCCT Review Complete dialog box appears. Type the appropriate CCCT user name. You can enter up to 2000 characters.
      CCCT Review Complete dialog boxImage Removed
  2. Click Save. The specified user name and a date-stamp appears in place of the Yes button.
    Trial Comparison Documents section with documents added and reviewedImage Removed
    • After the CTRO review has been completed, the system sends a copy of the Comparison document by email to CCCT.
    • After both reviews have been completed, the system sends a copy of the Comparison document by email to specific members of the CTRO and CCCT, with an extract from the Cover Sheet page.
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Managing Record Changes


While reviewing the results of a trial, you might need to make some record changes. The PA application allows you to track and manage these record changes.

How to Add or Edit Record Changes

  1. In the main menu, under Dashboards, click Results Reporting. This link is visible only to users with the Results Abstractor role. The Results Reporting Dashboard displays a list of trials.
  2. Navigate using one of the following ways:
    1. In the list of trials, click the NCI trial identifier link for the trial you want to edit. A page appears with several sections, including the Record Changes section.
    2. In the panel next to the pie chart, under Results Cover Sheet, type the trial ID and click Search. The Cover Sheet page appears with multiple sections, including the Record Changes section.
      Record Changes sectionImage Removed
  3. To add an entry, in the Record Changes section, click Add. The Add/Edit Study Record Change dialog box appears.
    Add Edit Study Record Change dialog boxImage Removed
  4. Enter the appropriate information in each field. The following table describes the fields. All fields are required.


    Change Type*

    Type a description of the change. Examples include Eligibility Criteria and Addition of Arms. Also consider discrepancies in Status, Status Dates, or Accrual. You can enter up to 2000 characters.
    Action Taken*Type a description of the action taken to address the change. You can enter up to 2000 characters.

    Action Completion Date*

    Type or select the date on which the action was taken. If you type the date, use the following format:


  5. In the Add/Edit Study Record Change dialog box, click Save.
    Record Changes section with changes addedImage Removed
  6. To edit a record change, click the edit icon (Edit icon, as it appears in the Record Changes sectionImage Removed) in the row of the record change you want to edit. The Add/Edit Study Record Change dialog box appears. Edit the values and click Save.

How to Delete a Record Changes Entry

  1. Click the trash can icon (Trash can icon, as it appears in the Record Changes sectionImage Removed) in the row of the entry you want to delete. The system asks you to confirm the deletion.
  2. Click OK.
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Managing Final Record Clean-up and Release


After reviewing the results of a trial, some final clean-up is necessary. The questions in this section serve as a confirmation that certain sections of the trial have been examined. However, it is not necessary for a trial to have a Yes in every field before the CTA releases it to the PRS Team.

How to Perform the Final Clean-up

  1. In the main menu, under Dashboards, click Results Reporting. This link is visible only to users with the Results Abstractor role. The Results Reporting Dashboard displays a list of trials.
  2. Navigate using one of the following ways:
    1. In the list of trials, click the NCI trial identifier link for the trial you want to edit. A page appears with several sections, including the Final Record Clean-up & Release section.
    2. In the panel next to the pie chart, under Results Cover Sheet, type the trial ID and click Search. The Cover Sheet page appears with multiple sections, including the Final Record Clean-up & Release section.
      Final Record Clean-up and Release sectionImage Removed
  3. In the Final Record Clean-up & Release section, enter the appropriate information in the fields. The following table describes the fields. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Certain Agreements Use Standard Language?*

    Select Yes in this field after you have provided the following answers in PRS:

    PRS QuestionCTRO Standard Answer
    Are all PIs Employees of the Sponsor?No
    Results Disclosure Restriction on PI(s)?Yes
    PI Disclosure Restriction TypeThe only disclosure restriction on the PI is that the sponsor can review results communications prior to public release and can embargo communications regarding trial results for a period that is less than or equal to 60 days from the time submitted to the sponsor for review. The sponsor cannot require changes to the communication and cannot extend the embargo.

    If Completed, Terminated, Withdrawn – Completion Date Entered in PRS?

    This field becomes relevant when the trial has a Current Trial Status of Complete, Administratively Complete, or Withdrawn in the PA application.

    In that case, select Yes in this field if the following is true: In the PA application, under Trial Status, the Completion Date for the trial has a date, and PRS has the same date. 

    If Completed, Terminated, Withdrawn – Confirm “Send trial information to” is set to “No”

    This field becomes relevant when the trial has a Current Trial Status of Complete, Administratively Complete, or Withdrawn in the PA application.

    In that case, select Yes in this field if the following is true: In the PA application, in the NCI Specific Information section, the trial has No in the Send trial information to field.

    Results Designee Access Revoked?

    This field becomes relevant when the PRS Team publishes the trial with results in

    In that case, select Yes in this field if the CTA removed the Results Designee user account from the trial record access list in PRS. If you select Yes, type or select the date on which the CTA revoked the Results Designee's access. If you type the date, use the following format:

    All Changes Made in CTRP and

    This field becomes relevant when the CTRO makes changes to the trial since the Reporting in Process date, in any system (CTRP or PRS). 

    In that case, select Yes in this field if both of the following conditions are true:

    • In the PA Results Reporting Dashboard, in the Record Changes section, the CTRO has completed all action items for the trial. 
    • The CTA has uploaded those changes to

    If you select Yes, type or select the date on which the CTA uploaded the changes. If you type the date, use the following format:

How to Send the Trial Cover Sheet

  1. Make sure that the trial has a trial comparison document. The system does not send a cover sheet without it.
  2. Consider also including a Results Designee contact for the trial.
  3. When you are ready for the system to send an email message with an extract from the Cover Sheet page to specific members of the CTRO and CCCT, click Email Trial Cover Sheet.
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Managing XML Upload Errors

Page Tree
rootTracking and Managing Trial Results

During upload of trials to, some errors may occur. The PA application allows you to track and manage these errors.

How to Edit Records of Upload Errors

  • In the main menu, under Dashboards, click Results Reporting. This link is visible only to users with the Results Abstractor role. The Results Reporting Dashboard displays a list of trials.
  • Navigate using one of the following ways:
    1. In the list of trials, click the NCI trial identifier link for the trial you want to edit. A page appears with several sections.
    2. In the panel next to the pie chart, under XML Upload Errors & Actions Taken, type the trial ID and click Search. (To manage the errors for all trials, omit the trial ID and just click Search.) The Summary of XML Upload Errors & Actions Taken page appears.
      Exerpt from Summary of XML Upload Errors sectionImage Removed
  • Examine the available information. The Summary of XML Upload Errors & Actions Taken section lists errors from the previous night's upload or the most recent upload to The system provides information from that email message. The following table describes the columns:

    Error DateThe date of the message in which the system found the error.
    NCI Trial IDIdentifier assigned to this trial by the CTRP.
    NCT Trial IDIdentifier assigned to this trial by the National Clinical Trial program (
    Error MessageThe error as written in the previous night's status email message from
    Recurring Error?An indication of whether the same error has occurred for this trial on another day in the past 30 days. 
  • To add or change information for an error, click the edit icon (Edit icon, as it appears in the Summary of XML Upload Errors sectionImage Removed) in the row for that error. The Add/Edit Actions Taken Record dialog box appears. 
    Add Edit Actions Taken Record dialog boxImage Removed

    Enter the appropriate information in each field. The following table describes the fields. All fields are optional.

    FieldInstructionsCommentsType a comment that you think might be helpful to other people who need to work on this error, or as a reminder for yourself. You can enter up to 5000 characters.Error TypeType the name of an error type. You can enter up to 50 characters.CMS Ticket IDType the CMS Ticket ID, from Enterprise Wizard, the CTRO ticketing system. You can enter up to 50 characters.Actions TakenType a description of the actions taken to address this error. You can enter up to 5000 characters.Resolution Date

    Type or select the date on which this error was resolved. If you type the date, use the following format:


  • Click Save. In each row, the system displays the user name and date for the most recent update.
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