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Section 5: Semantic Infrastructure Functional Requirements November 22 version
In the paragraph after the bullets it says, "CBIIT has also adopted a formal approach, ECCF…" But, let's be clear, SAIF and ECCF are still being actively developed. So, really CBIIT is collaboratively defining a formal approach.
Document edited to reflect comment. Charlie Mead



Section 5 > Artifact Management > Types of Artifacts > Static Models November 22 version
This section has many problems. HL7 MIF, UML and 11179 are not Information models. They are metamodels. That is, they provide a vocabulary for expressing other models. HL7 RIM, BRIDG, and LS-DAM are not metamodels. Instead, they can (with proper transformation to formal representation) be used as upper ontologies which constrain the semantics of lower-level ontologies. OWL and RDF are knowledge representation languages. They both have multiple serializations (syntactic models).

Comment 22 on Section 5.1

Section 5 > Artifact Management > Types of Artifacts > Behavioral Models November 22 version
One has to be careful here what to call the "behavior of services". As indicated in, e.g., the HL7 Behavioral Framework (by John Koisch), behavior is "A collection of interactions with a set of constraints on when they can occur in a given Working Interoperability /business process context". In other words writing something like "Behavior of services provides an unambiguous definition of the service constraints, capabilities, dependencies, and interactions" is vague and probably not in-line with the SAIF. For example, capabilities of services indicate what the service does, not how it does it (the behavior).
Document updated to reflect comment. Charlie Mead

Comment 21 on Section 5.1

Comment on November 22 version
Listing "Orchestration and Workflows", as well as "Business Rules" under Dynamic Models is too vague compared to the approach under static models where technologies such as OWL etc are explicitly mentioned. What kind of Business Rules, what kind of orchestration and workflows? What are the technologies?
Edited to reflect the comment. Charlie Mead

Comment 20 on Section 5.1

Section 5 > Artifact Management > Types of Artifacts > Content November 22 version
Content is a vague term, everything is content. In particular one should not define it as "Content includes all unstructured text and other forms of content...". This is circular. The "Content" paragraph suffers from vagueness. "Content includes: images and other representations of static content". So, content is also static models?

Comment 19 on Section 5.1

Section 5 > Artifact Management > Types of Artifacts > Artifact Management Functions November 22 version
Does managing the lifecycle, governance and versioning of the models, content and forms also include the Specification Content from the previous paragraph?

Comment 18 on Section 5.2

Section 5 > Service Discovery and Governance November 22 version
It states "Service discovery and governance allows service developers to specify rich metadata about services". This should be the other way around: specify rich metadata about services allows service discovery?
