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Accrual Data Element NameMandatory=M; Optional=O
Conditional = C
DefinitionCTRP Accepted ValuesInformation Model Class / Diagram MappingComments/Conditions
Study IdentifierMUnique identifier assigned to the studyNCI, CTEP, or DCP IdentifierStudy Protocol / assignedIdentfier--
Study Subject Identifier MUnique identifier (numeric or alphanumeric) assigned to subjects in a study

Any numeric or alphanumeric value assigned to a study subject

Study Subject / identifier--
ZIP Code CString of characters used to identify the five-digit Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code that represents the geographic segment that is a subunit of the ZIP code, assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to a geographic location to facilitate mail delivery.5 digit numeric ZIP codePatient / postalAddressMandatory if U.S.
Country of ResidenceCName of a country from which a person or their biological family had previous residence or past ancestors.2-letter ISO Country CodesPatient / postalAddressMandatory if not U.S.
Patient’s Date of BirthMThe month and year on which the person was born


Patient / birthDate

Year and Month are mandatory. 

Gender of a PersonMText designations that identify gender. Gender is described as the assemblage of properties that distinguish people on the basis of their societal roles
  • Male
  • Female
  • Unspecified
  • Unknown
Patient / sexCode

Identification of gender is based upon self-report and may come from a form, questionnaire, interview, etc.

Genders in batch files do not have to correspond to the gender indicated as a trial eligibility criterion.


EthnicityMText for reporting information about ethnicity based on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) categories
  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Not Hispanic or Latino
  • Not Reported
  • Unknown
Patient / ethnicGroupCode--
Payment MethodOTerm for an entity, organization, government, corporation, health plan sponsor, or any other financial agent who pays a healthcare provider for the healthcare service rendered to a person or reimburses the cost of the healthcare service
  • Private Insurance
  • Medicare
  • Medicare and Private Insurance
  • Medicaid
  • Medicaid and Medicare
  • Military or Veterans Sponsored, NOS
  • Military Sponsored (Including CHAMPUS & TRICARE)
  • Veterans Sponsored
  • Self-Pay (No Insurance)
  • No Means of Payment (No Insurance)
  • Managed Care
  • State Supplemental Health Insurance
  • Other
  • Unknown
StudySubject / paymentMethodCode
Payment Method Codes in batch files are not case-sensitive.
Subject Registration Date MDate the subject was registered to the studyYYYYMMDDPerformedSubjectMilestone / registrationDate--
Registering Group CodeO

Unique CTEP Group code assigned to the group that originally registered the patient for the study

--StudySubject / registrationGroupId

For trials with Group participation, provide CTEP Group Code, if available

Study Site IdentifierMUnique identifier (PO ID) assigned to the institution accruing the patient to the study

CTRP Person/Organization ID (PO ID)

Study Site / identifier--

Subject Disease Code



Code that identifies a disease

  • CTEP Simplified Disease Code (SDC) terms
  • ICD-9-CM codes
  • ICD-O-3 codes
  • ICD-10
For SDC Disease Code:
StudySubject / diease_identifier

For ICD-9 Disease Code:
StudySubject / icd9diease_identifier

Disease code is mandatory for all trials except those managed by DCP PIO.

Cancer specific ICD-9-CM disease codes in the range 140 to 239. Information about these disease codes is available at

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wikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include
wikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include

For trials using ICD-O-3 terminology, use this position for Site and/or Histology Codes. When using both Site and Histology codes, separate them by a semicolon ( ; ). Site codes are available at

Use Histology codes when C codes are not available (for example, for Multiple Myeloma, NHL, Leukemia).

For uploading CDUS batch filesDisease Codes for Non-diseases, see

RaceMText for reporting information about race based on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) categories
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • Not Reported
  • Unknown
  • White
Patient / raceCode
Multiple races in batch files are permissible even if "Not Reported" or "Unknown" is indicated.
Change CodeOAdditions or changes since the last report
  • 1
  • 2
  • NULL
AccrualCollections / changeCode

1 or NULL = changes in the file;  the CTRP system processes and saves the submission

2 = If the trial's current accrual is 0, the CTRP system processes the file as a Code 1 change. If the trial's current accrual is greater than 0, the system saves the file but does not process it.
