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All federal systems, regardless of where they are hosted or operated, must adhere to the NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) and business owners must ensure their system is authorized to operate in accordance with OMB A-130 and FISMA law. The hosting solutions discussed on this page are NCI- and NIH-fully managed application solutions. These two options provide the least impactful and simplest authorization options available to NCI customers.  For more information on NCI's various hosting options, please visit the CBIIT Solutions Hosting Page.

The RMF comprises 6 key steps as described below. You will see that Security Assessment and Authorization (SA&A) makes up just two of the six steps (steps 4 and 5), but they are the two most commonly linked with the FISMA. It's critical not to forget about the other four steps though since they greatly impact the success of the assessment and authorization phases.  As you will see, steps 4 and 5 can only happen with proper planning and preparation. 

Since your system will be fully managed by NCI or by the NIH the SA&A activity is relatively easy and requires the least amount of support and resources from you out of all of the hosting alternatives. 

By choosing a fully managed hosting option, your application will inherit the majority of security controls that you might otherwise be responsible for implementing and maintaining over the system's lifetime. As the application owner (aka, the business sponsor), you will be asked to support the Categorize step by complete the NCI Starter Kit, and you will be required to develop a minimal set of standard operating procedures for your application. You will also be asked to document the limited set of security controls that you partially or fully manage in a system security plan, but the NCI pre-assessment team (PAT) will assist you with your documentation development activities to reduce the burden and provide one-on-one support during the pre-assessment phases. NCI CBIIT Security will provide the independent assessor who will conduct formal system testing needed to support the authorization decision. As the application owner you will need to demonstrate applicable system-specific or portions of hybrid controls that you are responsible for, are in place and operating effectively. You will do this by participating in interviews, by providing requested evidence and artifacts (i.e., completed SOPs, screen captures, log files, relevant communications such as email threads, etc.) to the security assessors.   

The following information will help you understand and prepare for the formal security assessment step and to manage the FISMA assessment following authorization.  Note that this process does not reflect the process for cloud hosted applications. Please visit the Cloud Hosted Systems SA&A page for more information on conducting an SA&A for a cloud based applications.

1. Categorize the Application

Use the NCI Security Starter Kit for templates and guidance on completing the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)-199 form, the e-Authentication Threshold and Risk Analysis (eTA/eRA) forms, the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) and the Business Impact Analysis (BIA). All four of these forms are required to ensure that you properly categorize your application based on its security-impact rating, authentication needs, privacy concerns, and system availability needs. This step is consistent with other types of federal information systems whether hosted internally, externally, or in the cloud.

2. Select Security Controls

Once you have completed categorization step you can determine which security controls are required for your application. You should refer to two resources to aid in this step.  First, NIST 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, which provides a catalog of security and privacy controls for federal information systems and organizations and a process for selecting controls to protect organizational operations.  Secondly, NCI maintains a Security Control Inheritance Matrix to help you identify the controls needed for your system, and it factors in pre-defined control inheritance settings so you can more easily identify controls that you are responsible for implementing and managing, and those that are partially or fully implemented and managed for you by CBIIT, NCI, or by NIH.

3. Implement Security Controls

As part of the implementation step, you may need to update your application’s design requirements to account for new or modified security requirements identified in Step 2. You may also need to implement or develop specific tools to satisfy required controls.  If the cost of developing or implementing a new security control is impractical or if it is not cost effective when compared to the potential risk of not implementing the control, you can apply for a security waiver to the NIH chief information security officer (CISO). You should discuss any waiver requests with the NCI ISSO ( first before submitting the request to determine whether it is likely to be approved, and to help appropriately document the waiver.

4. Conduct the Security Assessment

The NCI ISSO will work with you to schedule your SA&A kickoff meeting and assessment, as well as keep you informed of any meetings required to plan for the assessment.

During this phase of the Risk Management Framework, (RMF) a security assessor will evaluate the effectiveness of your application's security controls. This process must be completed before your application goes into production (i.e., is live with real data being collected, processed, or stored). One of the advantages of having CBIIT host your application is that CBIIT will help defray the cost of SA&A activity.  If your application uses another NIH institute or center (IC) or an outsourced hosting option, you will need to make your own arrangements to hire a qualified Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) security assessor. Whoever conducts the assessment must be experienced in using the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) RMF as outlined in NIST 800-37.

During the SA&A kickoff meeting, your assigned pre-assessment representative will help you identify artifacts that might be required as evidence of successful security-control implementation and operation so that you can prepare or update them in advance of the assessment step.

Your final SA&A package must contain the minimum set of artifacts required by NIH. Please visit the NCI SA&A Package Checklist for more information.

5. Authorize the Application

A designated authorizing official (AO) will review the assessment package to determine whether residual risks are acceptable to the organization before issuing a written authorization to operate (ATO) that is valid for a maximum of three years. For CBIIT fully managed applications, the NCI CIO will serve as the authorizing official (AO).

6. Conduct Continuous Monitoring and Reauthorization

Continuous monitoring (CM) is the sixth and final step in the RMF, and includes both automated and manual security monitoring and remediation activities. Continuous Monitoring really is more of a cycle than a single finite step since it never ends and, if done correctly, can replace the need for a full re-assessment every three years when your ATO expires.  The routine security-control monitoring and remediation that occur after an application has been authorized to operate often includes a combination of automated diagnostic services such as vulnerability scanning, patch management, intrusion detection and prevention, and system and application event log collection and analysis.  Additionally, every year system owners must conduct an annual assessment (AA) that follows NIH guidance to review approximately 1/3 of the total controls that may apply to a system. System owners are also required to actively manage their plan of action and milestones (POA&M) to remediate weaknesses in a timely manner, and to seek re-authorization every three years.

Annual Assessments

The NIH SA&A policy requires application owners to assess approximately 1/3 of the applicable controls each year. The list of controls is chosen by NIH each year and is available upon request from the NCI ISSO.

Security Impact Reviews

If you make a significant change to your application, you are advised to document the change and possible impacts to the security posture of the application in a security impact analysis (SIA). Any controls that may be impacted may need to be re-tested to ensure the security posture, boundary, and authorization are not impacted.

POA&M Management

The Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) is a key management tool that lists, prioritizes, and tracks an application's identified weaknesses and progress.  Any new findings that are generated from ongoing security assessment and risk impact reviews should be added to the POA&M as they are living documents.

Ongoing Authorization or Reauthorization

The NIH is currently developing its ongoing authorization (OA) model for externally hosted applications. Because of the numerous technical challenges associated with automating security analyses and remediation activities outside of the NIH network boundary, this process will most likely include a hybrid of automated and manual activities.  Please check back in the future for updated information.