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DemoRajesh Thangudu
  • Home page: all numbers are cases.
    • Links to Browse, Analysis, Submit Data, About, Help
  • Browse page:
    • Chart gives overview and can be collapsed
    • Study-centric portal
    • Project/programs are de-emphasized and study/cases is emphasized
    • Filters are grouped: General, biospecimen, Clinical, Files, Genes
      • General: Primary site, Program, Disease Type, Analytical Fraction, Experiment Type, Acquisition Type
      • Biospecimen: Study, Sample Type, Biospecimen Status
      • Clinical: Ethnicity, Race, Gender, Tumor Grade, Case Status
      • Files: Study, Data Category, File Type, Access (open/closed), Downloadable
      • Genes: enter gene list to filter to specific genes, or can use prebuilt list.
    • Biospecimen status allows filtering for those studies that are not qualified (for whatever reason) - Question: of what use are unqualified samples to a researcher?  Qualified and Disqualified status are confusing (John).  Individual disqualified biospecimens are highlighted.
    • Files: raw data and processed data are all available to the user
    • Filter choice results are grouped of studies, biospecimens, clinical, files and genes (similar to how ICDC use stats bar at the top).
    • Show Query shows the REST API endpoint for the results shown.
    • Study summary page shown if a particular study is selected.  Shows data use agreement.


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nameMatthew Beyers's Personal Room-20200506 1502-1.mp4
